Chapter 5: "I'm Sorry..."

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Twisted Bonnie was pulled from his thoughts violently as he heard the former CEO yell into the room. He stood up straight, not quite sure what to do.

"H-how did you know where to find us?!" the animatronic rabbit asked, getting into a fighting stance in case he and Twisted Freddy needed to defend themselves.

"It wasn't that hard," Rockstar Bonnie answered. "It was pretty obvious that you would be heading here to get back to your master."

"Yeah... It really wasn't that hard to figure out, Honey," Lolbit agreed. 

Bryan's other animatronics nodded in agreement, not entirely sure what to do in this situation. None of them were made to fight but they wouldn't let two baddies ruin their home.

Twisted Bonnie stiffened his posture, trying not to show fear. Especially since they seemed to have brought Molten, the legend that he is, with them.

"Twisted Bonnie," Molten stepped up. "You and I both know I can drag you all the way back to your cell... or I could just kill you here and now..."

As Molten took a step closer, Twisted Bonnie stepped back until the portal was right behind him. "S-stay back!"

Twisted Freddy finally looks up from the computer to glance at the intruders. "...You all shouldn't be here."

"Well, neither should you considering that I CROWBARRED YOUR FACE TO DEATH!!" Jon expressed angrily.

The melted-down bear gave a small hum as he made his way toward his rabbit companion, not daring to take his eyes off the others.

"W-well, that doesn't matter right now! Because we're going back to Master now!" Twisted Bonnie said, trying to sound brave in front of his friend. "R-right, Twisted Freddy?"

Twisted Freddy said nothing at first. Only turning his head to look at Twisted Bonnie. He put a hand on the rabbit's shoulder and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie..."

"Sorry? For wha-"

Before Twisted Bonnie could finish, Twisted Freddy pushed him into to portal and everything became bright...


T Bonnie opened his eyes. He felt... a little strange... he was used to the portal making him feel a little unbalanced but this was different. He figured he didn't have time to figure out what was wrong with him personally, so he instead decided to look to see where he was.

As he looked at his surroundings, a few of Bryan's animatronics that came to stop him were there too. It didn't take them too long to figure out that they were in that Minigame Dimension, playing Murder Mystery.

Rockstar Foxy looked over to where Twisted Bonnie was standing, almost as if the fox was staring straight at him, and spoke.

"Bryan? when did you get in the portal?'


(Sorry for not posting yesterday, guys. I was stuck on what to do for this chapter. But I hope you all enjoyed it and I'll see you all tomorrow!)

The Twisted Truth (a thefamousfilms story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora