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Type: Angst

*Warning*: Involves homophobia and abuse

This story is truly fictional, both boys most likely have very loving families and I respect that

Jonathan POV

 *Flashback to 2010*

 I walked into my room and shut my door behind me. I could hear my mother screaming in the kitchen. I walked over to my bedside table and grabbed my iPhone 3 and earbuds. I plugged the earbuds in and put them in my ears, turning on the song, "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. I the song started playing I could still he the screaming . I turned up the volume and sat with my back to the door.  All of this was normal for me at this point.

 Everyday I would get home from school, pass my parents who were screaming and yelling, and go to my room. Most nights I wouldn't get to eat, anything to avoid my parents. My older sister never tried to comfort me either, I don't blame her though. She's going through the same thing I am. The only person that cares about me is my younger sister, Ava. We comfort each other when there is fighting, I protect her from anyone who tries to hurt her, I give her food even if there isn't enough for me. I continued to hear the screaming and the music wasn't drowning it out. 

I sighed and got up. I walked to my bed and reached under it, grabbing a small bag that had marijuana in it. Even though I was still pretty young to be doing drugs because I was 15, I found a dealer who was kind enough to sell me stuff. I took it out and lit the end with a lighter. As I inhaled the smoke, the room started to spin. I couldn't hear the yelling anymore. A lot of the time I would get high and try not to listen to every little fight.

 Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. "Jonathan, can I come in?" A younger voice said from outside the door. I quickly put away the joint and fanned the air with my hand to get the smoke away. "Yea, come in." The door slowly swung open and there stood a small figure. She walked up to me and sat on my bed.

 I knew why she was here, just like every other day. "I wish they could stop fighting for once." Ava lied down and stared at my ceiling. I handed her an apple that was in my backpack from lunch. "Yea, it would be a lot more peaceful. I swear I'll never be like them." I lied down next to Ava and let my mind wander until I heard something shatter from downstairs.

*End Of Flashback*

I can't believe I said that I would never be like my parents, but I was just a kid back then. Things have changed since then. I have grown apart from my sister. I never meant to leave her, just as more homework and more stress came in I couldn't spend much time with her. Sometimes I would be so stressed out that I would just snap and yell at her, boy do I regret that now. I lost the only person who ever truly cared about me. Now she just ignores me and avoids me any chance she gets.

My parents became a lot more strict when I came out to them about being gay. I should've know they were homo phoebes from the beginning, I guess I was just to blind to see it. The older I get, the more that I see. I realized my parents weren't heroes, they're just like me.  As I walked downstairs, I saw my parents fighting again. Sometimes I just want to tell them, 'Loving is hard, it doesn't always work.' But I just need to try my best not to get hurt.

 I tried to get by them hoping they wouldn't notice me. I was going on a walk so I could get some peace and silence for once. The only thing that ever made me happy was when I would play video games with my friends. I have a YouTube channel, I call myself H2ODelirious. I chose my name because of my home life. Delirious means 'In a disturbed state of mind'. Currently I have 12 million subscribers, and somehow still live with my parents. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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