Make You Mine-Krii7y

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Type of Story: Fluff

John POV

   A bunch of our friends decided to meet up together and hang out. Tyler, Craig, Anthony, Marcel, David, Jonathan, Evan, Jaren, and I all decided to meet up a Craig's new place. When we had gotten there, I was more exited to see Jaren than everyone else. I had arrived with Tyler at Craig's place. I could remember when Craig opened the door and greeted me, not seeing Tyler. I walked inside, the look of excitement on Jaren's face could lighten anyone's day. "John!" Jaren had yelled as he ran up and hugged me.  

  Then, Craig had turned to us and faced his back to the door. "I wish I had gotten a greeting like that." Tyler came from behind Craig and hugged his from the back while saying, "Boo!" Craig's reaction was priceless. "Jesus Christ Ty! You scared the shit out of me!" Man, was that funny, but that was 2 days ago. Right now everyone was just talking and some were playing video games.

When some of the guys started playing Mario Cart Jaren had got super excited. "John, let's play a game of Mario Cart." I grabbed a controller and sat down on the couch. It was Jaren, Anthony, Craig, Tyler, and me all playing. Jaren was in 1st place and I was in second until I threw a green shell at him. I passed him and everyone else passed him too. I had gotten 1st, Tyler had gotten 2nd, Anthony 3rd, Craig 4th, and Jaren 5th. Jaren was obviously upset, he had an over exaggerated frown on his face.

"What's wrong Darlin?" I decided to tease his a little bit by calling him names. "I got last place." Jaren crossed his arm while keeping the frown. "Awwe, Everything will be okay." I wrapped an arm around Jaren like I was trying to comfort him. He shoved my arm off but he couldn't help but smile.

"Asshole," He says and rolls his eyes. After a while, the conversation changes somehow to being single, as almost all of us were. "Well, sucks to be you guys." "Shut up Marcel. Just because you're the only one dating a girl here doesn't mean shit." Tyler was going off on Marcel, if Tyler continued any longer they looked as if they would get into a fight. "You know what, I just want somebody that I can call 'mine' and they'll say it back." Jaren interrupted Tyler and Marcel's argument.

"You know that I am yours and you are mine." I mumbled under my breath. "Did you say something John?" Jaren turned to me. "Oh! It... doesn't matter anyway." John you dumb ass! What if he had heard you. I needed to take a walk, all of the noise and talking was giving me a headache.

 "Hey, imma take a walk if any of y'all want to join me." I got up from the couch and walked towards the front door. "I'll come with you." Jaren hopped up from his seat and quickly ran towards me. I opened the door for him and we walked out of the house and started the the side walk. As we were walking neither of us talked, there was only a comfortable silence between us. I could see Jaren admiring the sky.

I broke the silence between us. "In the night sometimes I take walks and just admire the quietness and beauty." Jaren turned his head to look at me and smiled. "Yea, it's nice." Jaren went back to gazing at the sky. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks making Jaren stop as well. "Hey uhhh Smithers, can I talk to you for a sec?" 

Jaren looked at me and let off a small chuckle. "What's so funny?" "You made it seem like we're a couple and you're about to break up with me with, 'We need to talk'." "Hey, It's nothin funny just to talk!" I exaggerated a frown just as Jaren had done earlier. "Okay,Okay, I'm sorry. Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I took a deep sigh and then committed to what I was about to do.

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