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Song Recommendation and Inspiration: Soleil (ft. Kagamine Rin) by Travolta-P

Hetaloid and English covers also available on Youtube.

Sometimes I wish the world didn't work like this.

Kiku told me once that this is simply the "natural culmination of the negativity a person has felt in their lives"... whatever that means, and that it was "only natural" for humans to turn into large and winged bloodthirsty monsters upon their deaths. That doesn't change the fact that this makes every day a struggle to keep living.

We fend off at least three crows per day. It's no easy feat, especially for a group of two children and a teenager, but I would say we're doing quite well, since we aren't dead yet. We find enough food and water to live, and we have a viable means of defense against the crows. I'm sure we're faring much better than most of the other people alive in this world - not that there's a lot of them, but still.

Sometimes, when he gets tired and depressed, he holds us close and repeats to us that he wishes for us to not need to suffer like this, and that we could have a real childhood like the children from millennia past, whatever childhoods were like back then.

I would rather wish that crows didn't exist.


He says he found you and me in some temple-like structure when we were mere babies. He isn't certain as to what the temple was for, and he didn't know how anyone could have gotten their hands on enough resources to build a sturdy shelter, much less a full-blown temple, which is strange, considering that he knows a lot of things and can make some pretty accurate guesses to questions he doesn't know the answer to. What he can tell us is that there was destruction and gore everywhere but the altar, which was where we were tied to when he found us. He thinks it might be a crow attack, but that doesn't explain why we weren't killed along with the rest of the temple's inhabitants. That's a mystery I guess we'll never solve.

Unlike me, you remember most of your time in the temple. Whereas I only remember indistinct images and sounds, you can recall names and faces. You tell me that things were strange and incomprehensible - People called us by names that we were not, and at times people would bow to us and even grovel at our feet, yet at other times they approached with sharp blades and let our blood flow.

I'm just glad you have fewer scars than I do.

You tell me about carefree times, when we did not realize the truth of the world and what we were. Times when we chased each other around on the cold white marble around the altar. Times when we talked and talked and talked and ended up lulling each other to sleep. Times when we smiled together, blissfully unaware of pain and suffering.

I do not remember things as clearly as you do. I only remember flashes of warm hazel against cold white. I remember the chill of metal and marble against warm skin. I remember murmurs of "Soleil" and "Xolotl". I remember the monotonous, unending drone of prayers and chants. I remember warm embraces and a hand in my own. I remember a raspy but kind voice that called me "Luddy" and "bruder". I remember eyes a shade so red it made even crows flinch.

I do not know what has become of those red eyes.


You told me that they called you some long name that you could never remember, even though your name was quite long as well. They called you "Quetzal-something-something". I still don't quite see the point in such a long name, especially as you have two of those already. Names were for identification, for warnings and precision. That's why we call you Feli and not Feliciano or Veneziano or "Quetzal-whatever". "Feli, duck!" is much easier and faster to say than the alternatives.

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