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"I'll call you back in a bit," I say while getting out of bed. "Someone is at my door."

"Okay," my mom says. She hangs up the phone and I walk downstairs. I open the front door and nobody is there.

This has been happening to me for about a week now. Someone just knocks on my door, but nobody is there. It drives me absolutely insane and I'm so over it.

I slam the door and I sit down on my couch. I live in California by myself, so it's really scary when someone knocks on your door all the time. I used to live in Montana with my parents, but I decided to move to California. I don't really know why I did. I've always loved it here. I'm not in college and I don't have a huge job. I'm just a nanny for three kids.

My parents weren't very happy that I wanted to leave, but I didn't care. I'm twenty one years old, so I figured I can do what I want.

There is another knock on my door, so I get up and groan super loud, "Who the fuck is it?" I swing the door open and nobody is there once again. What the actual fuck?

I step out of my house a bit and I start to look around, but there is nobody around. This shit is really starting to creep me out. I don't know if I should just call the cops or not. I start to walk back in when I realize that there is a package on my doorstep.

I pick it up and bring it inside. I shut the door and I make sure to lock it. I take the small package to my kitchen and I set it on my island.

I open the package and there is a letter in it. The letter says:

Caitlyn. It's nice to finally talk to you. You are probably very confused, but that's okay. We are going to be very close friends by the end of everything. I hope you listen well or else the people you love the most will continue to get hurt. Sweet dreams, darling.

-Black X

Wait. What the hell even is this? How do they know my name? And why is this person basically blackmailing me?

I put the piece of paper down and I grab my phone. I hit Maggie's contact name and it rings a few times.

"Hello," Maggie says. Maggie is one of my best friends. When I moved to California last year she was literally the only person I had. She still is the only person I have.

"Are you busy right now? I'm having a bit of a problem here at the house."

"I'm not busy. I'll be over in five."

I sigh, "Thank you."

"It's no problem." She hangs up the phone and I call my mom. I know she is going to freak out, but I need to tell her.

"Hey sweetie," she says. "Who was at the door?"

"That's actually what I need to talk to you about. Someone has randomly been knocking on my door all week and nobody is ever there. Well they knocked on my door again today and sent me a letter."

"What did it say?"

I tell her what it says and she gasps. I knew she would freak out, but she is my mom. I had to tell her .

"I want you home tomorrow morning."

"What! No, mom. I'm okay. Maggie is coming over right now. It's all okay."

"No it's not, Caitlyn. Are you actually kidding me? You are practically getting death threats and they know things about you."

"There is nothing I can do about it," I say. "I still have to work and I have friends here. I'm not coming back home."

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