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Village Team

Detective - They will interrogate one person every night, and they will know if they are suspicious or innocent.

Nurse - They will save one person every night, and they may save themselves only twice so use it wisely. If the person they chose to protect is transported, you still protect them.

Escort - They get to roleblock someone each night. This prevents that person from performing their role, whether they be mafia or innocent. If they roleblock the serial killer they will die.

Magician - They will get to revive two dead people, one on any given night. If they die and then revived, they may use whatever amount of revivals they had left at the time of their death.

Transporter - They will pick two people to transport each night; they will essentially take the blunt of whatever happens to the other person.

Vigilante - They will have a gun with 3 bullets. They may use the bullets to shoot 3 people, only one person any given night. However if they shoot someone who is innocent, they will commit suicide the same night.

Lawyer - They will pick a person to defend each night. Should that person get attacked, they will die in their stead. If the target was bitten, they will be bitten in their stead. If the target is transported, they will still protect them, if they are transported they still protect whoever they picked, but they may die if the person who they were transported with was attacked.

Mayor - Their vote counts as 3 votes. The demon can confirm their role, all they have to do is ask the demon to reveal to their role to everyone. But if they would like to stay hidden, they don't have to reveal. Once they do reveal their role, nurse can no longer protect them, only lawyer if they are in the game.

Veteran - They can go on alert 3 times, anyone who visits them on a night they've alerted (whether good or bad) will die. They can not be killed on a night you alerted. If they are transported on the night they alerted and then attacked they will not die. Whoever attacked them will die.

Mafia Team

Godfather - They will pick a person to kill, and the person playing mafia will kill whoever they pick. If they are role blocked then mafia will pick who to kill. And if mafia is role blocked they will perform the kill. They will appear innocent whenever cop interrogates them.

Mafia - They will vote on a person to kill every night. If there is a godfather in the game, their vote will overpower them unless godfather is role blocked. If they die, someone else on the mafia team is promoted to mafia. If godfather dies, they become godfather.

Janitor - They will get to "clean" 3 people; one person per any given night. This means when the person dies their role will not be revealed.

Evil Roles

Serial Killer - They kill just for the fun of it. They however can not kill mafia, and mafia can not kill them. They can only be killed by being hung or by being transported with a victim of either the mafia or your own victim. If an escort tries to role block them, they will kill the escort instead of whoever they chose that night.

Witch - They want the town to loose. They can win with the Mafia and the Serial Killer.

Jester - They are trying to get hanged, that is the only way they win. If they manage to get hanged, they can choose one person to kill the following night. If they are killed by mafia or serial killer they do not get to kill anyone.

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