Then 2 women appears from out of thin air, speaking of another unknown tongue. "Oh don't fret. They are just chanting a spell."

Before they could react, an unknown power was pushing Christopher down. "Ameila, run!!" He screamed to his lover.

"Not without you!" Amelia cried to him when she reached out for his hand, but the minute she touched him, she yelps as her hand got singed from touching him.

"GO!!!" Christopher bellowed to her, scaring her but she listened this time.

She tried to run but 2 men came out of nowhere & took hold of her. "Christopher!" She screamed as she tried to get out of the men's hold. "Let her go!" The young man looked onto the mysterious pale figure. "No. She is part of what I have planned for you." The pale man smiled before walking towards the center of the field.

"Stop struggling you rotund woman!" The male in front of her rudely stated before she headbutts him. Then she stomps on the guy behind her's foot. "Ow!" He releases her out of pain & she runs for Christopher. The ominous character named William puts his hand out and stops her in her tracks. "No!" Christopher shrieked as she started to double over in pain.

"Feel the flames of hatred...." William spoke into the air.

The two lovers were screaming as their bodies were burning from the inside, the sorceresses were continuing the chant like they lives depended on this evil act. "I adore strong women, but you are disrupting the spell." William spoke as he clenched his hand to apply more pressure.

The couple was still screaming as the unfamiliar feeling was searing their insides. Two women appear with bowls & knives. One goes to Christopher while the other approaches Amelia. Positioning themselves behind the other.

One grasps Amelia's hair, making her wince. "Amelia!" Chris She looked on his horrified face, giving a teary eyed smile. "I love you Christopher, I am so sorry that I could protect you..." he woman proceeds to cut a deep gash into her throat, making Amelia choke. "NOOOOOO!!!!" Christopher screamed with fresh tears staining his face.

Her body became limp and the sorcerer let her go, letting her dead body flop onto the ground.

Christopher let out cries of agony, he didn't care who saw nor heard his cries. The love of his life was dead, someone who loved him regardless of who he was going to be, gone in the blink of an eye. "Amelia...." He cried our for her, but she didn't stir.

William let out a haughty laugh at Christopher's torment. "Awww, don't worry. You'll be joining her soon, Christopher."

Christopher growled at him as the colors in his eyes shifted to another shade of gold, but he felt himself being stunted within before he could change.

"You will not be able to change, little man." William stated as he walked up to him, making Christopher even more frustrated.

William bent down to meet him eye to eye, making Christopher spit in his face. William pulled a cloth from his hood, dabbing away the spit. He chuckles at the feeble attempts that Christopher is doing before speaking again. "Before you join your fat harlot,"

He grasped Christopher's neck with unkind promise that he will kill him, but didn't get a rise out of the young man. "give me, the 3 chains of Turin."

"No." Christopher spat at him again before William started enclosing around his windpipe little by little, but it didn't deter him from protecting said item.

"They are the nucleus of my soul." He choked out, but he didn't back down from William's death grip.

"Melt down, no, they will never." He wasn't backing down from William's disrespectful action.

"And they will shine forever." Christopher continued to chant as William let go of his neck out of frustration, making Christopher suffer from convulsions before getting back in his bearings.

William turned away from the defeated young man until he heard from same young man, making him turn around. "If one of us has to go," Christopher looked up towards William's eyes.

"You will go before me." He confidently spoke into the air as a deadly promise, making William give a malicious smirk.

Christopher grunts when the woman behind him grips his hair tighter. "This isn't over William. I will find you, and I will be behind your demise." Christopher growled with cruel promise before the woman slices into his throat, his thick blood fills the bowl beyond its capacity, the woman let him fall to the dirt.

"Amelia...." He weakly spoke & tried reaching out to his fallen lover before his eyes rolls to back of his head, death consumed him, making him flop to the ground once more.

The two people with the blood filled bowls cut a loc of hair off each of the dead bodies. They walk up to the pale man & give him the locs. He raises the dead people's hair & speaks.

"In 600 summers, you shall be awaken again, your blood shall boil with not love, but of hatred for the one that you held near & dear."

The locs burst into a purple flame in both his palms as the dead pair's stolen blood started to boil.

"Thou shall be cursed of the things that they fear the most. The spell shall be broken with descendants of each bloodline. Until then, you will be beyond the living dead."

Separately, he puts Amelia's hair in her lover's blood. A purple mist comes from his palm to cover the bowl.

"You shall be a coven of witches."

Her hair dissolved into Christopher's blood. He does the same with Christopher's hair & throws it in Amelia's blood, covering it with the same mist.

"You shall be the beast the will feed off of the humans essence of life."

Then he chants in an unknown tongue, the blood starts to swish out of control.

At Christopher's home...

A olive-skinned woman proceeds to serve dinner to her family, but is wondering where her eldest son is. Everyone at the table have heaved over in tremendous pain. Their pleas & cries goes unheard... Feeling something piercing their gums & their new pair of canines descend, with also a new found thirst. Screaming at the pain & the new raw hunger that was consuming them all.

At Amelia's home...

The beautiful golden-skinned family of 4 was talking of joy & good tidings while planting new fruits & vegetables. Inside, the parents wanted to know where their only daughter has went & the brothers alike. But they all felt a terrible burning in their gut, falling over onto the dirt as the fire within their being spread. Their fingertips burned like candles were at the end of them.

Blood rushing to their skulls, making it unbearable to lie on the cool dirt of the garden they grew. They screamed into the heavens for the pain to go away.

Back in the grassy field

"Thy spell shall not ever be broken... This will live out in every bloodline. No wee bern is safe from this pain. It will reign through every generation."

Those words echoed whilst the blood came out of the bowl like a little hurricane & seeping back into the bodies of the fallen lovers, sealing up their wounds. But they still lie there, lifeless.

"Take them to the homes of their loved ones. That will get a rise out of them." William calmly said while 2 men came to lift the lifeless naked bodies, walking away into opposite directions.

"Find me the 3 chains of Turin, no matter what it takes." William stated whilst he became a transparent mist that evaporated away as quickly as it came.

So it begins...


Something that I had written for another story a few years ago, but decided to put it in the Prince fandom. Tell me what you all think in the comments & see you all later. 💜💋🌈

3 Chains O' GoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon