7 - a falling out part 2

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Since you had blocked Peter's number, you'd been feeling better, knowing that he was out of your life; exactly how he wanted it. The morning after he texted you, you woke up like a sunshine, got dressed to go nowhere, but wanting to dress up. As you were doing your makeup, dancing a little and humming to the music blasting from your laptop, you heard a knock on the door. "Yeah?" you yelled, busy applying some eyeshadow. Your mom opened the door softly, and smiled weakly, when she saw you so concentrated. "Y/n," she said and walked closer to you, placing a hand on your back, now looking at your reflection in the mirror, admiring you "Ned's downstairs.". "Ned?" you whispered to yourself. You had only expected him to take Peter's side again after yesterday. You thanked your mom, quickly applied some more eyeshadow, and tiptoed your way downstairs, scared of what was going to happen. You finally reached the ground floor, and saw Ned fiddling with his hand on the couch in the living room, clearly troubled by something. "Uh, hi" you waved from the entrance of the room. "H-hey," Ned struggled, quickly getting to his feet, clearly faking his smile, "you blocked him, didn't you?". None of you had seen that coming; Ned was definitely not well at confrontations, so the fact that he just blurted out the elephant in the room made both of you looking transfixed at each other. "I did," you said and took a step closer to the couch, putting your hand on the arm of it, "I had to.". "He's really sorry y/n," Ned explained with desperation in his voice, "please just call him." "Ned please," you sighed, burying your face in your hands for a second, now sitting on the couch, before looking at him, "I know you miss us being friends, but this is what Peter wanted, and he got it, there's nothing more to it. We're done.". Ned didn't say anything for a minute, nor did he move, clearly trying to think of what he should say. "Well, if there isn't anything else.. " you said coldly, gesturing for Ned to leave, and so he did in a huge sigh.

Half an hour later, your phone started to buzz and Ned was calling. "What?" you asked irritated, and the second you heard the soft and boyish "Please don't hang up-", you hanged up, recognizing Peter on the phone by his breath. He asked for this, you thought, this is what he wanted. And you knew you were stubborn, but the fact was: if you and Peter would make up, you'd feel attached to him again, and you'd start needing him, like you used to. You'd call him if you were feeling sad and hopeless, and when you finally have called him the right amount of times, he'd leave, and hurt you all over again, complaining about your sadness.

As the day went on, you just sat around the house, not really wanting to go out anymore after hearing Peter; and it wasn't like you had anyone to hang out with anyway. Time was walking slowly, and you were longing for night time, so you could sleep and stop thinking. And in that thought,  you saw a shadow outside your bedroom window, making you a little jumpy. After concluding that it probably was a bird or something, you put some music on, flattened yourself in your bed and closed your eyes, trying not to think about Peter, but this quickly proved to be impossible, as when you opened your eyes you saw him climbing in from the window. You quickly rubbed your eyes to make sure that you weren't just imagining it, and sure enough, Peter was now standing awkwardly in front of you in your room. The last time he was here, he punched the hole in the wall that you'd since then covered with comic posters. "Yeah, you are not doing this," you said quickly and repellent, getting out of your bed, grabbing Peter's arm and pulling it in the direction of the window that he had just climbed in from "you need to leave." "I couldn't get ahold of you" Peter said with big eyes and raised eyebrows, desperation leaking out of his voice. "No shit, there's a reason for that" you said with exhaustion in your voice, and you closed your eyes, rubbing your middle finger and thumb on your temple. As you did so, you heard a small "please" coming from Peter, who's hands were now in a knot, and his eyes looking at you in desperation, and maybe even with, you wondered, held back tears. You gave in, you couldn't handle seeing Peter this desperate and blue. When you two finally sat on your bed, Peter's eyes were fixed on the ground, trying to avoid eye contact before letting out a big sigh. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly, and you wondered if he was shaking or it was the darkness of the room that made it look like his hair was trembling, "I was stupid". You didn't say anything, you just looked at the new posters that you had put on the wall. You didn't know what to say. You wanted to scream, yell and storm out of the room, but you knew that this would only make Peter more desperate. "I-" he sniffed, "I washed out an amazing friendship of eight years, because I was selfish.". "It wasn't my intention, I was so overwhelmed by my Stark internship-" you knew Peter was going to go on a huge ramble, and knowing that he had mistakenly thought that this was entirely his fault, you placed your hand on his bent back, which made his head jerk quickly at your direction. As his eyes shot at yours a stream of thoughts spilled itself upon your mind. You had missed his big, brown eyes, and how innocence poured out of his face no matter what. The way his mouth would collect itself, whenever he wanted to shut himself up, or when his lips would twitch whenever he disagreed with something, but knew it was stupid to bring up. You missed his hug. The warmth of his arms figuratively making your cold arms smoke in contrast. You missed the little side look he'd give you, followed by a smirk, whenever something would remind him of one of your inside jokes you shared. And how he'd always shift his head shyly to the ground, grinning, when he saw you had the same inside joke in your mind.

A few seconds had passed, and Peter didn't know how to interpret this silence, and so he decided to break it, but before he could make a sound, you threw yourself on your bed, looking like a stone, but realizing how much you had missed his company. He looked hesitant at you, before throwing himself beside you on the bed, you two now looking up at the ceiling, almost as if watching stars. "Let's just," you said, ready to burst into tears, "let's just be us.". Peter understood this, looked at you from the side, trying to hide his smile. "I would love that." Peter finally said, redirecting his eyes at the ceiling. The two of you just lay in silence the whole night, and in the comfort of Peter you fell asleep quite easily. You didn't know what this meant, but it felt right. You didn't know if you would talk to Peter tomorrow, but you knew that he was with you tonight. 

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