4 - christmas at the parkers'

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A/N: I know it's a weird time to write a Christmas fanfic, but I couldn't help it lmao. Enjoy it!

Ever since The Blip so much happiness had reoccurred in Queens. Everyone getting their family members back was just such an inspiring thing to see. That was when you realized that you loved watching people find hope again, and so for that reason, you felt extremely excited, when you saw a flyer searching for volunteers to help people who had been displaced by The Blip. It was perfect. A way to make children reunite with their parents, a way to give the children your dream. Losing your parents wasn't a big factor in your life, since it had happened when you were a kid, but nevertheless, you couldn't help but feel a tiny sting, every time you saw a kid running to their parents. But this, you decided, wasn't going to stop you wanting to help them.

Working at the charity was great. Your boss, May Parker, was extremely nice, and would bring you lunch, whenever you had been too busy to bring your own. And seeing the sparkle in the people's eyes, whenever you told them that the name, they were asking for was on your list, never seemed to fail your excitement, providing you with adrenaline that you had been longing for some time now. Helping people, you thought, that is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Having had a long day in school, Miss Parker could practically see the exhaustion pouring out of your eyes, the moment you stepped in the shelter that was decorated accordingly with Christmas trees and garlands hanging from wall to wall, emphasizing the holiday spirit and atmosphere of the room. You were ready to bring a family a Christmas miracle, so when Miss Parker said "Hey, y/n, you can go home, if you want to, you look tired hun.", you gladly refused, declining a much needed opportunity to get some sleep.

As you were cleaning the last few things in the shelter, you heard the radio wishing everyone listening a merry Christmas, and within a second of hearing it you felt a lump in your throat, remembering that you had no one to go home to and celebrate Christmas with. Sure, you had your uncle and you cousins, who you lived with, but they never really wanted you there anyway, and would happily see you find your own place, once being old enough. Miss Parker was across the room, and was staring into a lit candle, drying a cup with a towel, clearly listening to the radio. Suddenly, the host in the radio announced "All I want for Christmas (is you)" by Mariah Carrey, and knowing that you hated that song, Miss Parker switched channels, with a clear smile on her face, as you thanked her with a tired nod.

"We have been told to announce that the storm should be pretty bad in a few minutes here in Queens," the radio host suddenly said, "and all public transportation has been shut down temporarily. Anyways, we hope you all are safe with you families, having a merry Christmas". Oh, you thought, as you were expecting to hop on a train home. Miss Parker put down the cup, and to your surprise, walked your direction. "How are you getting home?" she asked with the softest voice you had ever heard on a person before. As she placed her hand on your shoulder, looking directly down at you, as you were sitting on a chair, still sorting out the last papers, you decided to shrug in response to the question. "Well I wish I could drive you, but I don't exactly have a car" Miss Parker said, while grabbing another chair to sit beside you. "I can just stay here, no big deal" you answered honestly, looking down at the papers, and then finally looking up to see a smile creep out in Miss Parker's lips, who was shaking her head, making you feel like a kid who had just suggested something crazy, but cute. "You can stay the night at my apartment" Miss Parker suggested, looking at the tidied room in satisfaction. "Miss P-Parker, I can't be a bother on Christmas night. You have a family to celebrate with" you said, now looking down at your fiddling hands, trying not to tear up. "You're not a bother," Miss Parker suggested, chuckling, turning her head at you, "besides, I only live with my nephew, who isn't really big on Christmases anyways. I actually that you two are about the same age." she said lightly, in a slight jokingly matter, making your every worry brush off your shoulder.

Miss Parker lived five minutes away from the shelter, and you felt even more gratitude towards her, knowing that she put all her energy into that shelter. As Miss Parker gestured for you to get in, you shivered slightly, shaking off the coldness of the storm, only to be faced by a brown-haired boy, who stood awkwardly and looked at you in horror. "Aunt May?" he said in question, still staring you down, "wh-who is this?" he whispered in her ear, finally releasing his eyes from you, but the surreptitiousness of the situation was cancelled by his finger pointing at you, making it obvious what he was whispering. You make a straight face for yourself, knowing no one was looking, but confirming the instant regret of accepting staying at Miss Parker's apartment. As Miss Parker whispered back, in hidden anger, you stood as still as a statue, until you decided to break the silence and said: "I'm still here" you joke awkwardly, waving your hand slightly. Miss Parker just smiled, and nudged the boy slightly, who returned the awkward smile to you and pulled out his hand for you to shake. "I'm Peter," he said "sorry for being weird.". "Y/n," you answer, shaking his, surprisingly, rough hand, "and that's okay. I'd probably do the same, if I saw a stranger in my apartment.". And there it was; the awkwardness disappeared within seconds, as Peter finally smiled beatifically, asking for your jacket, after Miss Parker went to the kitchen. As he hanged your jacket, you felt a little looser, no longer regretting coming. Something just felt right. You felt welcome. "uh- Merry Christmas by the way" you blurted out, with a slightly waved hand, longing for a conversation with Peter, to kill the comforting silence. To your delight, you saw him turn to look at you, a hanger in his hands, with a huge smile. "Yeah, you too!" Peter answered breathing out the "yeah" in a chuckle.

Time was running faster than you had ever experienced before; dining with the Parkers was a whole new experience, where a burst of laughter would come out of you all during your conversations every five minutes. "D'you like eggnog, y/n?" Peter asked, changing the subject. "Uh, sure" you answered, not really being the biggest fan of it, but still trying not to be rude. "Aunt May, did you make some?" Peter asked, looking at Miss Parker, and then turning his head to you, sitting beside you, smiling dorkily and giving you the eyebrow flash, making you almost burst into laughter, before looking at Miss Parker again. "Oh," Miss Parker said wide-eyed with raised eyebrows, then turning to you with an excessive frown, giving you an 'I'm impressed' - look. "he's not usually this excited about anything Christmassy" she said in a loud whisper, making sure Peter would hear it, explaining why she gave you that look. She took out the eggnog from the fridge and you all enjoyed it alongside the company you were having.

Later that night, you could finally feel the excitement of the dinner being cancelled by exhaustion, as you almost dozed off, when you were all watching 'A nightmare before Christmas' on the TV. You were sitting almost inches away from Peter, who noticed a sudden movement from your direction, and decided to give you the blanket he was snuggling with. As he did so, you awoke enough to open your eyes to establish what had just happened and give him a faint smile to thank him.

"Y/n," you heard a soft whisper. You blinked thrice to see clearer, to find Peter's hand on your shoulder, shaking it ever so slightly, and his face right in front of yours, to see any signs of awakening. As he heard you groan in response, he gave a small chuckle, "there is a mattress for you in Aunt May's room, let's get you there." As he led you to your mattress, your head lost its balance, and woke you up, to your delight, as you could now properly understand the situation. "Thank you, Peter" you said, seeing how tired he looked himself. "Don't mention it" Peter answered as his smile grew. You had never slept better than you did that night. 

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