5 - a falling out

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Ned finally got his driver's license since he was the eldest of you two, so you nearly fell off your chair, when he texted you that he was coming to pick you up. You were so excited, but very scared of his lack of driving skills. Nevertheless, you wanted to show him your support, and was pretty glad that he texted you and not Peter. You three used to hang out all the time, until Peter, of course, decided to be an idiot. You two had a falling out after eight years of being best friends, when he admitted to you that he was tired of you.

"Why do you ALWAYS have to be sad, huh?" he shouted so loud swinging his arms, and as he did so, your body shook in horror, not recognizing the bloody look in his eyes, "Do you ever, EVER, stop to realize that I have things going on too?". You had just texted Peter because you weren't feeling well. Peter was always understanding of your situation, knowing that sometimes you couldn't help it but to feel helpless and hopeless. You felt exetemely lucky to have him in your life; before him, you were sure you had no one and would keep everyone out of your life. But that day changed everything. He swung his arm in anger and punched a hole in the wall. "God DAMMIT Peter!" you yelled back in a high and shaky voice, trying not to burst into tears, "I didn't ask you to be here for me! I TOLD you what I was before I started opening up to you. I TOLD YOU! And you, YOU, said that you didn't mind and was glad to help. What part of this doesn't meet your expectations?". And ever since that day, you two hadn't spoken a word to each other, and Ned never mentioned Peter to you ever again. True, you should've been a better listener, but Peter needed to sort out his anger issues. It had been two months since the incident happened, and you couldn't wait to hang out with Ned and forget about Peter again.

You looked quickly in the mirror to make sure that you looked okay, and ran outside to meet Ned in his new car. "Sick ride!" you waved at him. "I know right!" he finally answered when you opened the car door. "Uh, we're gonna make a quick stop before going to the movies" Ned said nervously, and you just shrugged, not being bothered; as long as you and Ned were hanging out. You weren't bothered, until, of course, you saw the building. You turned your head angrily at Ned and frowned. "I can't keep going back and forth between you two," Ned whispered fast, trying to justify his actions, "I'm tired of not being able to be around you two at the same time.". Suddenly, before you could run out, you saw Peter coming out of the building, a new backpack hanging off his left shoulder. He looked tired. He looked exhausted. And his usual curls seemed to have faded away, whilst his pale face only seemed paler and more green. As he got closer, you noticed the significant dark undereyes that he definitely didn't have when you two used to hang out, or was it only because you never noticed them? Maybe you were just used to them? Peter didn't even look at you when he said: "You're in my seat" with the most hollow voice he could make. Before you could even think about clapping back at the idiot, he pressed down your seat belt and released you from security, you turned your head directly at Peter, looking into his tired eyes that were ignoring yours, and yelled "What the hell, Peter?". Instead of answering, he just straight up pulled you out of the car, and you were now in the cold about to burst into tears, when you ran to the other side of the car to meet Ned, "SAY something!" you hissed at him, he just shrugged and looked helpless at you. You groaned loudly and slammed the door when you sat in the backseat.

Everyone was silent during the entire ride to the movies, and everytime you'd try to complain, Peter would just turn up the volume of the radio.

All of you got out of the car in silence. Walking to the movies was a nightmare. Ned kept trying to spark a conversation between you two, but none of you bothered. You felt bad for Ned, knowing that he wanted you three back like how you used to be, but the only feeling controlling you in that moment was the anger towards Peter. Peter bought you all tickets to see some random movie, and you were glad that the tension got silenced by the movie lights dimming and the sound from the speakers increasing. You didn't really know what the movie was about, nor did you bother actually trying to watch it. You were just waiting to go home. The second the credits started rolling on the big screen you stormed out of your seat, almost running towards the car, and waited with your arms crossed by the car. It took them way longer to come, than you had expected, and what almost made you explode in anger was the fact that, when they finally arrived, they had been talking and seemed totally fine. You knew that not asking about Peter's life was a mistake back when you two were talking, but nevertheless you couldn't grasp the fact that Ned was actually taking Peter's side, when Peter hadn't done anything other than pissing you off.

This time, the ride wasn't silent at all, as Peter and Ned were talking almost as if they were having the time of their lives. As Ned pulled up to your place, he turned around to look at you with big eyes, as an apology, and you gave him nothing but a straight face, as you stumbled out of the car, slamming the door. You were ready to cry. And so you did. And then you slept like a baby.

You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. In the blinding lights of your phone's screen you saw that it was 3 am, and Peter was calling. You looked at the screen with horror and declined it quickly. Instead of calling again, Peter decided to text you.


You wondered why you hadn't blocked him

What do you want Peter? Am I in your seat again

It was stupid of me, I'm sorry

You didn't reply, and so after five minutes Peter tried his luck again

I was only trying to get you to talk to me

Liar, you thought, and rolled your eyes

Okay that's a lie

Yeah, no shit

Aha! Got you to reply

Big accomplishment. What do you want?

To apologize

Well you had your chance earlier today, and you screwed it up

Y/n/n I'm really sorry


You texted, and blocked his number right away, reassuring yourself that you never wanted to speak to Peter ever again.

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