Chapter 19 - Renan

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"How about you stand on the chair, and then I'll stand on the counter to place Eli on your shoulders, and then you just hold onto her real tight while she pulls the dough from the lights. I think she could definitely reach it then." Eve stands with her hands on her hips while she stares up at the kitchen ceiling. A slightly flour-covered apron is pulled tight around her lean frame. She blows a piece of hair away from her face that's escaped the messy bun that's begun to droop from the weight of her thick dirty blonde locks.

When I came up with the idea to make our own personal pizzas for dinner, I didn't think it'd start off like this. But considering I was cooking with Eve, the girl who could turn anything into a competition, I really should have seen this coming.

I'd set out four blobs of pizza dough on the floured counter top and was teaching the girls how to knead and shape the dough when Eve said, "watch this," and spun her dough into the air. The two little girls were instantly impressed and begged Eve to, "do it again!"

So she did, throwing her dough a little higher this time before turning to me and saying, "bet you can't do that."

To which I scoffed and said, "of course I can," and spun my dough higher than hers.

Upon hearing the impressed "oooohs" of her sister and mine, a serious look set on Eve's face as she proclaimed, "whoever can throw their dough the highest gets an extra scoop of ice cream in their sundae!"

Excited squeals erupted from the kindergarteners as I said, "bring it on," before tossing my dough for a second time.

After taking many turns tossing our pizza dough Eli became visibly frustrated that no matter how hard she tried she couldn't throw her dough as high as Eve could. So without any warning Eli yelled out, "watch this!" Then proceeded to stand on top of her stool, squat down for extra power and then jump, flinging her dough into the air with as much force as she could muster.

Fortunately Eli landed back on her feet, unfortunately what she threw did not.

Who knew little girls could throw dough with such force?

I glance down at Eve now with my arms crossed in thought and suggest, "or maybe I could just stand on a chair and use a broom to pick the dough up off the chandelier?"

Her lips purse in contemplation. "That'd probably be safer."

I laugh, "yeah it probably would."

After multiple attempts at retrieval - and multiple affirmations to Eli that she isn't in trouble and that she did indeed win that extra scoop of ice cream - the making of dinner is finally able to commence once again. Only this time Eli and Eve will be sharing a pizza since Eli's was topped with a little too much dust for her liking.

A Disney Spotify playlist sounds throughout the kitchen as everyone starts putting toppings on their pizza.

As I sprinkle mozzarella onto my sauce covered circle of carb-filled goodness, I hear Kiara ask for help and I turn around to offer my assistance. But when my eyes set on her, Kiara isn't looking up at me, she's looking up at Eve.

I see a smile spread across Eve's face as she lifts Kiara up and places her on her lap then scoots her stool closer to the table so Kiara can see all the different toppings I've laid out. I watch as Kiara leans back against Eve totally comfortable in her arms and starts pointing out which ingredients she wants.

Eve plays dumb and says, "pepperoni coming right up," as she grabs a handful of olives which makes Kiara facepalm and shake her head before correcting Eve who pretends to not understand and reaches for the mushrooms.

Kiara giggles catching onto the game and corrects Eve again. This time Eve grabs the pepperoni and spreads them onto the circle of sprinkled cheese.

This time Kiara eyes Eve's half of pizza and asks what Eve wants. The 19-year-old pretends to think for a while before saying she'd like some green peppers. Kiara reaches for some basil leaves, holding in her laughter. When Eve matches Kiara's reaction to her earlier "blunder" by slapping her palm on her forehead Kiara burts into giggles.

Soon Eli joins in on the fun and before I know it I'm smiling as I watch the amusing scene play out before me.

My heart starts to swell.

Eve has both girls sat on her lap now as they mess and joke about. A smile never leaves Eve's face and her rare genuine laughter fills the kitchen. Every once in a while Eve will tickle one of the girls as they try to place their toppings down, which causes olives or cheese to fly all over and a fit of giggles start once more.

Kiara fell in love with Eve the moment she first saw her at daycare. I remember picking her up that evening and Kiara talking non-stop the whole car ride about the woman who crashed Eli's party and then challenged everyone to a dance battle.

I assumed she was talking about Eli's mom, so when Eve stepped through my front door at Kiara's party I was a little more than shocked. Kiara should have described her as a young woman, but from the way my sister said she moved, I guess I should have assumed the party crasher was in her late-teens or early twenties.

At some point within these past five or so months is when I started to fall in love with Eve as well.

At first her friendship was the only thing I craved. I'd never met anyone who didn't want to instantly be my buddy and her rejection, although harsh, was surprisingly refreshing.

When I saw her dance for the first time was when my affection for her started to teeter towards more than friends. But when we filmed our first video submission for the CalArts' competition, I knew I was about to fall head-over-heels for Eve and fast.

I've danced with plenty of talented and beautiful young women throughout the years, but no one has made my heart flutter or stomach knot like Eve has.

Before our first date, rehearsals had been like a blissful torture. Each time I held Eve in my arms or she placed her face so gingerly and so close to mine all I wanted to do was lean forward and kiss her. But I knew I couldn't, I wouldn't. I wasn't one to steal kisses.

Then every moment we spent together became a blissful torture. Which was difficult because for the past couple months we've spent nearly every day together.

There were so many times throughout these past months when I wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold her, especially on the days I knew something was wrong but couldn't get the admittance of this out of her.

There were so many times when I saw her wearing my hoodies or jumpers to school and I'd be filled with pride only for it to be squashed by the fact that even though Eve was wearing my clothes she wasn't my girl.

There were so many times I struggled to control my thoughts and eyes when I'd meet her at the gym after a training session or fight for one of our late night dinners. She'd step out of the locker room in spandex and a tight tee-shirt that did little to hide her figure. Her wet wavy hair falling around her shoulders would be soaking into her top. Remnants of condensation still clinging to her lips and around her face, reminding me that only moments before there had been nothing separating the water from her skin.

But now, since our first date, every moment with Eve was just bliss. Especially moments like these. Where the two most important girls in my life were smiling and happy and safe.

And as I sit here admiring the person who pushes me harder than anyone else, who challenges me to be a better dancer, student and man, who has become my ray of sunlight in the storm that is my senior year, I make a silent promise to always make sure that Eve is smiling and happy and safe.


Hey y'all!

It's been a minute lol
I've been having some major writers block due to my summer semester classes. I'm majoring in Creative Writing & Humanities which is a lot of reading and analyzing and writing, which can sometimes just suck the energy right out of me to write for fun... but I have finally over come this block so look forward to plenty more updates to come :D

As always thank you for every read, vote, and comment! And THANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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