"Thank you, but again I'm not very hungry and I think I would have been okay," I replied.

"You were pulling on your rubber band," he said point blank.

I went pale. "What?"

"I saw your reaction when your mom mentioned that he was invited. You started to pull on your rubber band around your wrist."

"Maybe we should go back. I'm sure Billy would have a fit if he noticed us gone for more than a couple of minutes," I pointed out.

"Lauren, you don't have to try to hide things from me. I know, remember?" he pointed out.

I sighed. "Yeah so does everyone else in this sad town who has a child in the ninth through twelfth grade."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Nothing. Can we just get your stuff and go?"

"I'm not here to judge or hurt your feelings, Lauren. I'm here trying to be a good friend. I want us to be us again. I mean I know you don't think we miss you, but we do. You were like that addition that balanced Naomi and I out. I want you to enjoy my time here and not regret allowing me to come."

"Dex, just hurry up please," I pleaded.

He sighed and nodded in agreement. "Alright."

He ended up ordering water and a small plate of nachos. We walked back quietly and took seats in the chairs my mom had set up in case my dad or I ever showed up. She was just gushing at the fact that Dexter was here visiting. I guess I could take it as a small victory. It was rare when my mom was happy with something I did anymore.

"Hi," announced the voice I dreaded hearing at this game.

We both turned around to see Theo standing behind us.

I waved and Dexter nodded politely.

"It's weird to see you at one of these. I mean I think I've been to more than you have," he joked as he slid his hand through his hair.

"Yeah," I agreed, "Dexter is visiting so Billy was expecting him to show. If not I would be home finishing up some homework."

"I don't think you've ever brought up Dexter. Theo Xavier," he introduced.

"Oh you must be Tess' twin," chuckled Dexter.

Little did he understand that he was pouring gasoline into a dimly lit fire.

"You know my twin?" he asked with an awkward smile.

Dexter nodded as he looked over at me. "Briefly. She was waiting with Laurie. My sister is or was her best friend. Naomi wanted to come but she couldn't make it due to her spring play schedule."

"Is this the person you reconnected with over the break?" asked Theo as he looked over at me and away from Dexter.

"No. He's my guest," interrupted my mom.

All eyes were on her suddenly.

"I didn't say anything about you coming to see Billy play, Theo, but if you are going to ambush my daughter I would really appreciate that you leave. She's a decent enough human to not run your name through the mud. Do the same," she said as she looked over at me, "Go home. The two of you. Billy and I will meet you there. I left the crock pot on so it's probably best if someone is there to watch it."

I nodded weakly, still a little shocked that my mom had stood up for me. Theo watched us intensely as we collected ourselves and made our way back to the parking lot. I could feel the stare radiating from the other end of the park though. It terrified me.

"Hey," called Dexter trying to get my attention, "It's okay. Part of having an ex is the awkward encounters. It's normal."

"Theo's not normal," I regretfully admitted.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he looked over in the direction we had come from.

"Nothing. Forget I said anything. Crock pot. That's our focus," I stammered between sentences as I reached from the handle realizing his hand was on it.

He shook his head no. "Lauren, are you safe here?"

"Of course. I'm just being melodramatic as always. I'm sorry," I lied as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Lauren Blaise, melodramatic? I believe my sister is the one who entertains the acting. I've known you since you were in elementary school. I think I can tell when you're lying. What's going on with him? How does he know that I tried seeing you over the break?"

"He wouldn't let it go, Dex. He didn't want to split up. The only way I could make sure we did was if I brought up someone else. He did things too. If anything he's probably done worse. It's a whole lot of story I don't even know completely so it really isn't my place to share. His sister is super defensive about it too, so she won't even discuss it unless she knows he may be in danger," I explained as I watched his hand waiting for it to move.

"So he was being weird because he thought I was your new boyfriend?" he concluded with a half smirk.

"No. He was being weird because he hates me hanging out with guys. He's just weird, Dex. Can we just leave it at that?" I asked as I caved and decided to open the door myself.

"I liked my theory better," he joked as I pulled the door handle and the door open.

"So would the other hundred and fifty boys in my class," I replied as I looked over at him.

He chuckled at my comment. "Yeah, but I've wanted you since you were in middle school. I think I have leverage."

"And how many girls have you dated since high school, Dexter," I pointed out as I shooed his hand away so I could climb into the car.

"Three, one being super serious until she decided that my change in degree was no longer meeting her standards. In high school I dated a cheerleader or two, but again dating is different than committing. If Laurie would have given me the time of day, maybe that could have been different," he replied as he fixed his jacket.

"Even if I had, Dex, it wouldn't have been what you fantasized about. I put Theo through the ringer with all of my issues and I'm not about to do the same to you or anyone. At least not until I know for sure that I wouldn't be hurting anyone. I spent an entire month at my grandma's because of this and I've so far stayed clean. I don't want to lose that very small victory."

He nodded in defeat and took a deep breath. "Crock pot, right?"

"Crock pot," I agreed as I took a seat in the car.

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