"Offcourse, papa.Does this mean that kookie will be kneading if i behave well?",euigeon asked 'innocently' which made jungkook to fume in anger.

"Now no more talking or else you won't go to the palace",his papa said which made the little one to shut immediately.

"Geonie, you'll be only doing things that i ask you to.Am i clear?You are not allowed to do anything other than that-

"Yeah yeah,kookie. I understand. This is the 100th time you're saying this!I'm afraid that you'll be saying the same thing even when you're asleep",euigeon huffed.

"I say it repeatedly because you will certainly do something unpredictable which will surely bring the whole family into misery.",jungkook replied as he climbed down the chariot as they reached the palace.

"Good morning, hyung",jungkook greeted once he reached hoseok who stood near the entrance.

"Good morning, jungkook",he replied but got startled as he heard a loud voice behind jungkook.

"GOOD MORNING, COMMANDER NIM!",euigeon saluted as if he's one of the soldier which made jungkook really hard to resist his desire to roll his eyes.

"Good morning, kid.Isn't he your brother,jungkook?",hoseok greeted euigeon and turned his attention to jungkook who was busy rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Yes,hyung. This brat wanted to come with me and was pestering me nonstop for the past two days!",he huffed to which hoseok just laughed at them as he saw euigeon mocking his brother.

"Oh jungkook!Tae asked you to come to his room once you arrived!Can you go there by yourself?I have some work to do",he said as he eyed euigeon walking away aimlessly.

"Sure,hyung. But,what about Geonie?Can he come with me?",jungkook asked as he eyed his brother who was busy looking at the surroundings, few meters away from them.

"No no!Poor tae.He misses you a lot and I don't want your brother to be a cockblocker.",hoseok said and wriggled his eyebrows as he saw the other blushing.

"Hyung~",jungkook whined loudly which caught euigeon's attention who quickly marched towards them.

"What happened!?Did something happen?Is commander nim hitting on you?",he asked and immediately turned towards hoseok who was stunned by the kid's sudden outburst.

"Commander Nim,i'm so sorry but kookie only belongs to the king hyung.He is absolutely unavailable.But don't worry!I'll pray for you so that you'll find your love sooner.I'm sorry again",euigeon said which made hoseok to laugh out loud.

"Hey,kid.I was not hitting on your brother.Moreover, he's like a younger brother to me.Come on.I'll drop you in the garden.Jungkook here is wanted by your King hyung",he said as he booped his nose who scrunched it cutely.

"Really?Then that means i'm your brother too!!Woah!finally i have a cool brother. Come on seokie hyung let's go to the garden",euigeon said as he held hoseok's hand who smiled at him sweetly.

"Geonie, remember to not cause any trouble. Just sit there and i'll be there in minutes. If i didn't find you in the garden, you'll be surely kneading the clay for a month.I'm serious!",jungkook said in a serious tone and euigeon decided to totally ignore his brother's warnings as he dragged hoseok from his nagging brother.

As jungkook watched his brother's figure disappear, he made his way to the King's room and throughout his way the gaurds bowed at him and smiled knowingly to one another which went unnoticed by him as he way busy being nervous.

"Your Majesty?",he knocked the door twice once he reached the room which was opened immediately after the second knock.

"I missed you so much,Jungkookie",taehyung said as he hugged the younger not before pulling him inside.

"H-hmm,Y-your M-majesty…...i-i-

"Did you have your breakfast, Jungkookie?",taehyung asked with a small smile as he could clearly see that his queen is shy at the moment.

"Y-yes,Y-your M-majesty. D-did y-you?",he asked as he shyly looked at the king.

"Aww~I was waiting for you so that we could have it together~",taehyung pouted which made jungkook to pout in return.

"Its a family rule to have breakfast together, Your Majesty. All four of us must have breakfast together so that we could spend time as a family. I'm sorry!",he pouted.

"That's ok,Jungkookie. I was just messing with you.",taehyung smiled but his smile got wider when he heard his Queen's next words.

"I'll sit with you until you eat,Your Majesty.Come on",he said and softly held the other's hand which made both of their hearts to do somersault.

"As you said you'll sit until i eat,why not you feed me,Jungkookie?",taehyung said as he was made to sit on a chair nearby.

Before jungkook could even process, he was pulled towards the King's lap which made him to blush furiously.

"You take a lot of time,you know.Just feed me,Jungkookie",taehyung said as he slightly hugged the younger's waist which made the said male to be unbelievably shy.

"O-o-k,Y-yo-ur M-ma-jes-ty.",jungkook said stuttering each and every letter which made him to mentally slap himself repeatedly.

He immediately took a spoon full of deliciously looking meat which made his mouth to water just by looking at it.He slowly brought it near the King's mouth who was silently smiling at the adorable sight.

"S-say ah,Y-our M-ajesty",he said as he eyed taehyung who was really close to his liking which made the redness of his cheeks even redder.

"Ah",taehyung pronounced and soon rewarded with the meat which tasted unbelievably delicious, maybe due to the fact that he recieved it from his sweet Queen.

"Now you say ah,Jungkookie",he said as he grabbed the spoon from the other's hand,scooping the meat in process.

"But I already ate,Your Majesty",he said but soon his mouth was filled with the meat and to say it was delicious was an understatement.

"Isn't it delicious, my dear?",he asked with a smile as he watched jungkook eating just like a bunny.

The breakfast went on like that with them feeding eachother while jungkook remained on taehyung's lap.As time went on,jungkook became more and more shy because of the constant gaze he recieved from the King and decided to ask it away.

"Your Majesty, why are you looking at me like that?",he asked as he kept his gaze down which didn't fail to bring a small smile on taehyung's face.

"Like what,Jungkookie?".

"Like...like...i don't know…",he said as he started fidgeting with the spoon in his hands.

"Why don't you know,Jungkookie?Isn't it clear that i love you?I can't help but admire you doing the smallest thing which makes me fall for you all over again.GOD!!I'm so much in love with you!!",he said as he hugged the other tightly who hugged him back which brought a small smile on his face.

"Why do you love me so much, Your Majesty?When you have hundreds of rich and beautiful people lining for you,why me?In addition to everything,a commoner?",jungkook asked as he buried his face deep into the King's neck.

"I love you because you are you,Jungkookie. And you make me feel myself just by thinking about you.You make me feel euphoric, my dear",he said as he softly kissed the smaller one's forehead.

"Y-you ma-ke me fe-el euphoric too,Your Majesty",jungkook said softly after a minute of silence which instantly brought a big smile on taehyung's face.

"G-Geonie!?",jungkook suddenly shouted after half an hour of their cuddling session remembering his long forgotten naughty brother,startling his King in process.

Oof~this is the longest chapter i have ever written!But hope you liked it!

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