Nothing is Owed (Chapter 23.)

Start from the beginning

Kaede: "Haaaah, I'm so sorry, Shuichi! I'm not judging you or anything, it's just that the though of you carrying around an instrument bigger than you is hilarious to me!"

Me: "I'm not even slightly upset. Everyone has that reaction, and it makes sense that they do. I'm so skinny that people are usually surprised to hear that I can lift my weight."

Kaede: "Well, I'm not surprised about that, but I am quite surprised about you playing a Sousaphone of all things! It's so massive, and you have to stand while playing it!"

Me: "Yeah, it could be pretty hard at times, and balance was something I struggled with. However, it's been a few years since I played an instrument. Once I started my detective work, I sort of... dropped it..."

Kaede: "Well, there's no better time than now to get back into it, right?"

Me: "You're right. We don't really have any leads to find the Mastermind, so now is a great time!"

Kaede: "Mhm! Now, let me show you what note each key plays!"

It doesn't take long for me to memorize the notes. They take place in a pattern of seven white keys that start at C and make their way upwards through D, E, F, G, A and B before the pattern starts again. The black keys are a bit harder to memorize, but I have no real problems with learning them.

Kaede: "Alright, now let's work on your hand posture."

She gets up and walks behind me. She leans onto my back and places her hands on top of mine. If we haven't already been dating for a while, I would be extremely flustered. But right now, I can only feel my face heat up a little bit. She repositions my hands so that my palms are suspended in the air as my fingers lay down lightly on the keys.

Kaede: "Alright, play a few random notes for me."

I play a few random notes here and there, some high and some low. She chuckles in approval.

Kaede: "Your form is already amazing, Shuichi! Are you sure that you haven't done this before?"

Me: "Thanks, Kaede. Hearing it from the world's best pianist is truly an honor."

Kaede: "World's best? I don't know about THAT..."

I turn and give her a small smile.

Me: "Well, I certainly haven't heard any better."

A faint blush and a not-so-faint smile appear on her adorable face.

Kaede: "You only say that because you love me..."

Shuichi: "It is true that I do love you. However, I swear to you that I have never heard any music that was even remotely close to how beautiful your performance of Clair de Lune was."

When these words escape my mouth, she is taken aback. She lifts her hands from mine and places them over her mouth as she takes a step back. A thin layer of water glazes over her eyes.

Kaede: "Shuichi... you really think that?"

Me: "Kaede, I don't just think it, I know it! In fact, I believe it!"

She runs up and gives me a tight hug.

Kaede: "You really are the greatest, Shuichi..."

After a few moments, she gasps. She pulls back and wipes her eyes quickly.

Kaede: "Wait, this is supposed to be about you, not me! God, I'm being so selfish, making everything about me..."

I give her a soft smile.

Me: "Nope. This was entirely for you."

She glances at me with a puzzled expression.

Kaede: "What? But you wanted to learn how to play the piano! This is for you!"

Me: "You're right when you say that I do want to learn, but why do you think I want to learn?

I get up and lightly tap her on her nose.

Me: "For you, silly! You've done so much for me today, and it looked like you were quickly becoming more upset and irritable. So, I decided to do something to cheer you up, and it looks like you're enjoying it! I know I am!"

Kaede: "I am, but don't act like I deserve this from you. You've saved my life twice now, and all I've done is convince one person... maybe two people... that you're not the mastermind. I owe you so much more."

Me: "Nothing is owed between us, and if I have my way, it will stay that way forever. I don't ask for a reward for anything I do for you, and I hope that you do the same."

She gives me a surprised stare before she closes her eyes and giggles.

Kaede: "Of course I do the same, and I would have the same stance in your position. However, I can't help but feel indebted to you."

I give her a sarcastic smile.

Me: "Is that why you're dating me?"

Kaede: "What? No! Of course-"

Me: "I'm just messing with you!"

I give a small sigh.

Me: "Fine, if you feel indebted to me, then I'll give you a task to pay it off."

Kaede: "Go ahead."

Me: "Never stop being yourself, because you are the most incredible person I have ever met. Do we have a deal?"

She chuckles lightly when I hold out my hand to shake. She reaches out and shakes it.

Kaede: "We have a deal."

Me: "Good. Now, should we get back to my lesson?"

Kaede: "Mhm! I'l have you play a few simple exercises now!"

And our day continued on.


I had a lot of fun with this one. I decided that giving Shuichi (and all of the characters for that matter) would add some fun moments later on in the story. I gave Shuichi the Guitar because I feel like it suits him to have an instrument that can be played quietly and peacefully, or loud and aggressively if needed. I gave him the Tuba because of comedy. He's so thin and he plays one of the biggest instruments that you have to hold while playing. Of course, I'll be making more use of the Guitar than the Tuba.

Anyways, I think that I'll finally start my Persona 5 x Danganronpa story before I continue this one. I'll only post one or two chapters before I instantly return to this one. Don't worry, Guardian Angels is my main project, and it will stay that way until it is complete.

As usual, thanks for reading!

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