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The floor of the earth rumbled and cracked; those in the vicinity believed it to be an earthquake. Angry waves from the ocean lapped against the soil, daring to drown the nearest towns and cities. The sky, meant to be clear, was covered in clouds so dark, they were nearly black as night.

Creatures, who had been in hiding for centuries, rose from their slumber. Beasts with shadows as friends, monsters who hungered for flesh, sea-divinities with the ability to push and pull at the ocean's arms. One by one, these creatures blinked their eyes open and howled up at the darkness of the sky. For that darkness represented the rise of Thanatos, their God and saviour.

"Any word on Donovan?" Cigar in hand, Abraham kept his eyes on the sky. He was content in waiting for chaos to take over the world. Just a flicker, he saw Bear curled up by his feet, shivering from the cold. The boy was sickly. A worthless son, twin to Summer. Upon their birth, he had snatched Bear, thinking that he was the one who would wield the power meant to resurrect Thanatos.

Sometimes, prophecies lied, and Fate laughed. Bear had turned out to be nothing but a shapeshifter, not able to cast any ordinary magic.

Mel, who was lounging far too casually for his liking, sat beside him. She was becoming a problem. One he wished to strangle the life out of. Sighing, she tipped the rest of her purple cocktail in her mouth. She wore a bikini, sunglasses, and a sun hat, despite the chill and lack of sun. "No freaking clue," she replied lazily.

Abraham's grip on the cigar nearly broke it in half. "Your Dead Wolves turned out to be worthless."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah? Well so did those ugly Ghouls."

Leaning forward, Abraham ensured she could see the rage brewing in his eyes. "If we don't find Donovan, then we lose. Do you understand? We. Lose."

Mel chuckled. "We won't lose. Boss is pretty damn good."

Abraham scowled. "Do you even know who boss is? Have you had the pleasure of meeting him?"

That caused her to shoot an equally annoyed glare at him. "Okay, sexist ass. Who says boss is a he? And no, I haven't met her. Neither have you."

"Have you ever wondered that maybe we're being played? Working for some person who refuses to show their face? All for what?"

Mel dropped her glass, causing it to shatter on the ground. She dramatically folded a slender leg over the other. Abraham had been attracted to her; that is, until she opened her mouth. "We all want the same thing, dummy." Mel raised her hands in the air, emphasizing her words. "For the world to be cleansed. That's what Mason Parker wanted, right? That's what you want, it's what I want. Hell, it's what your pathetic excuse of a son wants too. Isn't that right, little itty bitty Bear-boy?"

Bear flinched in his spot, yet did not reply to her. He spoke only when Abraham allowed it.

Annoyed with the conversation, he turned his attention back to the brewing storm. "They're rising. The beasts in hiding are coming out to play."

Mel chuckled; an eerie, almost chilling sound. "Yes, and what a beautiful sight that will be. I can't wait!"

Mel couldn't wait. Of course, that shouldn't surprise Abraham. She seemed to be addicted to destruction. Though, Abraham knew, for the world to be cleansed, it would first need to be destroyed. They all wanted something different. Mason Parker wanted revenge against the evils of the world, the same evils who murdered his family. Mel wanted retribution for the life she was given. Abraham was sure, if he would meet the one who started this entire processes, they would also have an excuse that fuelled their passion.

Abraham was tired of hiding. Humans didn't deserve the power that they could barely handle. Many times, he had been wronged because of humans. Prosecuted for nearly revealing his magic. Locked up, beaten, all because of a secret that didn't need to be kept anymore.

Humans were poison. They raised animals for slaughter, forcing them in unfathomable treatments. There was so many murders, rapes, and power wielded by the untrustworthy. It was simple, how to fix this poison. Wipe them out with something stronger.

Something like Death, himself.

Thanatos was near. His resurrection was nearly complete. All they had to do was find Donovan, the vessel for their God.


A U T H O R  N O T E


Okay, so for info on the final book of this series, I want to start by saying that I have been giving this A LOT of thought, and I came up with one reasoning to my solution; NOBODY's story is finished. There are matters left unanswered for Ella, Summer, Crystal, AND Kat. I had originally planned on making book 4 solely about Kat, but that doesn't seem right anymore. 

SO. Here is the plan; book four will alternate chapters between the four of them, written in first person. Thoughts? Concerns? 

Also, it will be set 5 years from the ending of the book.

Let me know where your thoughts are at!


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