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Hi guys........ 

I'm really sorry I suck. Truly. I don't want to be that author who updates once every 5 years but THAT IS WHO I'VE BECOME. I do have some good news, though. This week, I will be writing my final exams, then I'll be graduated. THEN I'll have more time to write. My summer goal is to finish this book and the final book to this series. 

If you're still with me on this book, bless your soul. I'm going to try really hard to have regular updates. I've never had a specific date on when I upload a new chapter, I usually just upload it when I'm done writing it (too impatient to wait for a specific day of the week). 

Lastly, I just wanted to let you know that I've published the first book of this series, Puppet. I know most of you don't have the opportunity to purchase books online, and I truly understand that. If you happen to know anyone who does and enjoys this genre, (and you enjoyed Puppet) pleasepleaseplease recommend!! My marketing platform is nonexistent because I'm under a pseudonym and wish to remain anonymous. If you are interested in purchasing, please go to the Puppet book on my profile and read the chapter called PUBLISHED for more info. Also, if you think it's too expensive, please let me know. I'm not really sure of prices relative to length, so I went on a whim with it. 

Thanks for sticking around despite my inability to write. I'm going to try to be better from now on and finish all books I've committed to on my profile. 

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