Chapter XXIII - Glacia II

Start from the beginning

Glacia herself was busy studying the plans, so she asked Olnice to purchase something suitable to wear. She had returned with a one-piece, purple catsuit with a zipper at the back. It came with calf-length, dark-purple combat boots, fingerless gloves, and a utility belt. Never had Glacia worn anything that made her feel more uncomfortable than now. At least, Olnice made sure it's in my favorite color, she thought.

Once the harness was secured, Glacia drew in a deep breath. "Alright, tell him to fire it," she called out.

"On it," Gelatia answered and barked the command into her headset.

Here were go, Glacia thought and leaned forward to get a better look at the town hall. Although the guards would probably not have paid much heed to a helicopter passing overhead, Glacia could not take the risk. On the off chance, a guard craned his neck to witness two girls jumping off, there had to be some distraction — albeit one that would not raise too much suspicion.

She recalled having a backup generator installed, tucked against the southeastern wall — near the two towers that needed it the most. Any electrical disruption and it would kick in immediately, ensuring continual power.

That was what the EMP device was for. It was commonplace for electrical engineers to use it to test backup power supplies. Glacia had no idea from where or how Gelatia's accomplice had procured it, but she thought it better not to ask.

For just half a second, the town hall went dark — an island of blackness in an ocean of lights. But the island lit back up even more quickly, making Glacia wonder if she had really just imagined it.

"He's fired it!" Gelatia called out.

"I see them moving... two of them are heading away from their positions," Olnice said.

Probably toward the generator. It would keep them occupied for a bit. The guards would discover that the mains supply was still running, so they would shut down the backup generator. Moreover, its low drone would help divert attention away from the whirring of the helicopter blades.

"Now, Olnice!" Glacia cried.

Olnice hit full throttle, and the buildings below them whizzed by in a flash. Glacia held onto the handle as hard as she could, just as the wind threatened to blow her away.

"Remember what I said?" Gelatia shouted through the roaring gust.

"Keep running for a bit, and then roll!" Glacia cried back.

"We're approaching the tower," Olnice announced.

Suddenly, the edge of the eastern tower appeared below the helicopter.

"Now!" Gelatia shouted and leaped.

No, no, that's too soon! Glacia thought, terrified. She knew there was no time to lose, so she leaped anyway. The roof of the tower drew closer and closer until the rope was taut. Glacia felt a yank and jerked to a halt so violently that she gasped for air.

Olnice had slowed down, but the helicopter still had to keep moving. The rooftop was skimming by below her. Glacia found and pressed a button on her harness, which released it. Suddenly, she was hurtling toward the roof once again — face-first.

Her scream got caught in her throat as she instinctively outstretched her hands. Powder-blue ice issued out of her hands and formed a ramp that curved downward onto the roof.

She hit the ramp prone and then proceeded to slide down it, almost frictionlessly. The ramp deposited her on the roof, and she rolled onto her back, panting heavily. High above, the helicopter zoomed away, the black ropes invisible against the night sky.

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