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I’m sitting in the empty bar. This has to be the worst time for most of the gang. Two days ago we were laughing together and even Liam was closer to me. We barely talk to each other and some of them avoid eye contact. Harry enters and I fake a smile. He nods back.

-News? – He asks and I grab a bottle of whisky. This is all going down; at least I’ll have a drink with one of my friends. I sit on the floor and pour two glasses. Harry cheers but none drinks actually.

-We really messed up, Styles! - I am almost laughing trying not to cry and he holds my hand as we stare in silence.


We’re waiting for news on Liam. Such a trip we had. This damn hospital waiting room is full with us. I’m still shaking. Luckily the ambulance was fast enough to find us. A doctor comes out.

-Relatives of Mr. Payne? - He asks and I rush to him.

-I… He’s my… - Damn. I cannot speak – I’m his wife- I confirm and he walks with me to another tiny room.

Martina and Louis are staring at Georgia. She holds him tight. Louis frowns.

-Why did he fall from a tree?! That was stupid and reckless! - Louis says and he’s upset. Martina leans back. –He fell accidentally trying to help my sister! - Martina replies loud and ads- Stop blaming her for this! - She’s looking at everyone. Niall shrugs – Martu, he could be in danger and just because Georgia was playing to be a girl scout? - Shivani squeezes his hand and Niall frowns- No, baby. This was enough. We’re not talking about yelling now, alright? – Niall is concerned and Martina is not up for this.

- We weren´t there, Niall! - She speaks loud and Shivani is with her- She’s right. Liam is a grown up. It was an accident- Shivani is the quiet one but this time she is defending her boss and friend. Niall steps back- Ok. Let’s just hope he’s ok then so we can move on from this! - He storms out leaving Shivani there.

Zayn is holding Liv’s hand when her phone rings. She checks and it’s her father. She let go of Zayn. – I have to take this one- And Zayn nods. Liv walks a little away from them but Zayn’s eyes never leave her. Liv paces nervous – Dad, no! It’s not like that!- She yells and cries. –No, I’ll be home soon- Her father found out and now Liv has no choice. Zayn looks down, sad. Liv yells at the phone –Don’t come to get me! – But her father already hanged. She stands there sobbing as Zayn knows this might be it for them.

Shivani goes out to find Niall sitting in the floor. –Hey- She says and joins him- I’m not taking sides, Niall- Shivani speaks sweetly- But I think it was an accident, we don’t need to blame her- She’s trying to make sense but Niall is thinking about his friend. –I think I had enough, Shi- He sighs- When we get news, I’m gone, you can come with me or stay… you choose - Shivani stares as Niall has never been so pissed. They remain in silence.

Harry is leaning on the wall and Ģhărãm is glancing nervous. Maia hugs him and smiles – Where were you? You missed the drama! – She smiles but Harry is not even paying attention. Something is wrong and Maia is not stupid. Harry grabs her arms – This might not be the best time but I need to tell you something- He says as Ģhărãm is clear as crystal water so she will speak. He has to speak first. He decided to take the bullet himself. Maia stares at Harry worried – What is it? You’re scaring me! - She says and now she wants to know. Ģhărãm walks fast to them but Harry says – I kissed Ģhărãm in the woods- Maia face’s pale –What?!- She steps back and spots Ģhărãm behind her – Is this a bad joke? – Maia asks and Harry shakes no. Ģhărãm rushes to speak – It wasn’t his fault! I kissed him! – She’s trying to tell the truth but Harry is very persuasive.

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