More than Luck

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"I will not fold
She's in control
I will not fold
No, never
I will not fold
She's in control
I will not fold
No, never"

-"Scotland" by The Lumineers

Starkiller Base:

The sound stomping of boots bounded down the hall. The flutter of a large cloak immediately followed. Every worker turned away from their leader in submission as she passed. No one dared cross Rey. She wouldn't hesitate to kill them on site.

Rey Palpatine's clamor of servants followed at her beckon call behind her. Her most loyal follower, General Hux scampered next to her. He sought to serve her every need. It was pathetic seeing such a powerful man grovel at her feet, but it's what she required of her inferiors. The others that followed behind knew this fact all too well. It was considered an act of bravery to speak around the Supreme Leader, so no one dared. Rey loved it that way.

"Excuse me, Supreme Leader Palpatine?" A courageous boy stepped in Rey's path. This is appeared to be a death wish or an attempt at conversation, both ending the same way.

"What right do you think you have to address the Supreme Leader?" Hux barked at the scared technician.

"Well, I-I j-just wanted t-to say that um-"

With a quick flick of Rey's hand, the worker was now suspended in the air. He attempted to grab at his neck's invisible restraints, to no avail. Rey hates loosing a fight.

"You are wasting my time." Rey whispered to the suffocating boy.

The hovering worker began to turn blue as he attempted to speak through his loss of breath.

"Does the imbecile have something to say?" Rey spoke with no emotion to the dying boy.

The technician's head began to nod furiously. Rey released her invisible grip and the boy fell.

"Well, spit it out." She was looking down at the coughing creature in contempt and annoyance.

Coughs came in rows out from the boy's writhing body. It was obvious that Rey was growing tired of this inconvenience.

"GO ON!" Rey boomed.

"I-I just thought you should know that I was informed that we are dangerously low on fuel and if we don't stop soon, we will run out in Resistance territory."

While the boy still laid in pain on the glossy black floor, Rey knelt down to meet him. In an act of what appeared to be tenderness, she gently took his hand and held it in her's.

"Thank you," The entire hall stood in awe as Rey appeared to have a soul. "What's your name?"

"Fletch, Mrs. Supreme Leader."

"Fletch, you should feel honored that stood up to say something, even if you only wasted my time."

Her grip on the Fletch's hand tightened until he was in pain again.

"What?" Fletch looked at Rey's face with confusion and loss of hope as he realized his fate.

"You've wasted my time. Time is something I don't have. So, I don't like it wasted... Fletch."

Rey released his hands to wave her's swiftly in the air. Without warning, Fletch was flying into the wall. Blood splattered onto the freshly cleaned floors. He was obviously dead on impact. Workers covered their mouths in horror. Some even began to cry for their comrade.

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