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July 26th 9:17pm

It had been quite a while since the incident and everybody seemed to be on their way. Rouge had talked it out with Knuckles finally, and they agreed to being...'friends' again. (If you could call them that...) They both set aside their differences and went on their way. Sonic, however, was still a bit shaken by his feelings. It had only gotten stronger as they continued to hang out more and more. Though today, he decided that he should be able to face them head on.

...Right. Yes.

Sonic bit the edge of his thumb, walking back and forth. He was obviously stressed, but his pride wouldn't let him admit that. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "It's Knuckles."

"Crap!" Sonic mumbled to himself as he flushed and opened the door. Knuckles stood there and gave him a small smirk. He then shifted his weight to one foot, "Hey."

"Heyyy," Sonic spoke awkwardly. He let Knuckles inside as they both sat on the floor and started playing a few games. They both were equally matched but neither would admit that, due to their egos. Knuckles won the next round and pumped his hands in the air.

"Hahah! Take that!" He punched Sonic playfully. Sonic chuckled but pretended to be angry, "Aghh I'll get you next time..." He grumbled. Knuckles suddenly turned towards him and put his hands behind his head and leaned against the couch.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Knuckles raised a brow. Sonic immediately flushed and stammered a bit, "uh...ah..." He got up off the couch slowly and walked towards the kitchen. "G-give me a moment..." He stuttered as he reached in a drawer to pull out a small box. He the walked towards the couch and held it out towards the echidna. Knuckles gave him a confused expression but took it anyway.

"What's this?"

"Just...open it..."

Knuckles did as he was told to reveal a bracelet with an amethyst pendant. He put it around his wrist and smiled, "Thanks, but what is it for?" Sonic looked away shyly and gritted his teeth.


'You can do this...'

"It's because...uh.."

'Come on Sonic! Spit it out!'

"...It's..because...I..." He paused and shook his head, "You're such a good friend! Ahahah!!"

'N O!!!!'

Knuckles snickered slightly with his cheeks tinted pink, "Wow...huh that's cute. Thanks. Even though, I already knew I was a good friend of course." Sonic was half listening but still faked a laugh. The constant screams in his head held most of his attention. Knuckles continued talking but Sonic couldn't really hear him anymore.

The hedgehog sat down as they continued to play their game. Knuckles kept winning due to Sonic's lack of focus, but he played it off cooly...or so he thought. As Knuckles got up to leave, Sonic's ears were pinned to his head as he led him to the door. Before Knuckles opened it to leave, he turned towards Sonic, holding his arm with the bracelet up.

"Hey, you sure there isn't another reason you gave me this?" He asked. Sonic paused and blushed a bit. "Uuhh..." He scratched his head and tried shrugging it off, "mmmaybe? Maybe not i don't kn-know ahahahah!"

Knuckles raised a brow, "Really? What's the maybe?" He gave the hedgehog a smug look. Sonic cleared his throat. Now he was in a corner... His mouth went dry as he looked towards the floor. "Err..."

'Here goes...nothing...'

Sonic took a deep breath, "Maybe I...kinda...uh...whoo is it hot in here!" He fanned himself while Knuckles gave him an unamused look. He faked a laugh but continued, "Uh...maybe...maybe...I..."

'Come on Sonic...'

"I...like..you..." He looked down at the floor. It was silent for a minute straight. The hedgehog started panicking and began to ramble a little, "Uh, just maybe though! I uh totally didn't mean that! What? Why would I? Not that you're a bad person or any-"

"Are you free this Thursday?"

"H-huh?" Sonic looked up at him, confused. Knuckles held a calm expression, but he was a bit flustered. He grumbled slightly, "I asked if you were free this Thursday..."

Sonic hesitated but then nodded. Knuckles opened the door, "Alright, you wanna see a movie or something? We could just watch one here if you want?"

The hedgehog scratched his ear and nodded.  Knuckles held a thumbs up, "Okay, It's a date." He then began walking towards Angel Island Sonic stood in the doorway, a bit stunned. He hugged himself and flushed badly. He then closed the door and leaned against it.

'It's a date then..'


[A/N: Hhhhhh this is the end- I wanted to finish it before I published it so....fun? I felt like if I published it then I probably wouldn't finish. I've been working on this for about a month or two so...I just wanted to finish it before it reached the public...If...you guys like this sort of thing, I could write something else. Maybe leave a request...or not...that's cool too~ ]

[Alright, Lance out~]

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