Nah, I've Got Better Things To Do!

188 7 1

June 17th 12:09pm

"WHOO-HOO!" Sonic yelled out as he raced through the streets and ran to the top of the Golden Bridge in Central City. He looked out over the city as the sun shined bright and the sky shone blue. The hedgehog stretched and smiled wide. "Ahh, it's been too long since I've had a nice jog!" He said as he scratched his nose, his usual attitude back in his voice. It had been a while since he'd been out and about like this, it was rather refreshing and he was glad to be back on his feet. Recently, he had gotten himself down over Rouge after not being able to confess to her, but, after a few days, he figured he should probably get over it. Sonic was never a mushy-feelsy type of guy. He often found himself getting others to swoon, not getting swooned by other people. Today he decided that it didn't matter to him anymore. He's Sonic the Hedgehog! He wasn't gonna let some girl get him down! Nothing gets him down! 

He took a deep breath before speeding down the bridge again, causing a speed of light to pass the side of a few cars. Sonic even found himself waving at a few kids sitting the back seats as their parents got startled from seeing the blue blur. He snickered, feeling amused from the human's reactions, he always found them to be quite interesting, though only interacted with very few of them. At least, in the way he interacts with his friends. suddenly he saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eye and stopped in his tracks. "What was that? He asked before scratching his head and turning around. The blue hedgehog walked the other way before stopping in the park, seeing a rather interesting sight.

"Is that...?" He mumbled before walking towards the two figures. Knuckles could be seen talking to his security camera monitor. He looked annoyed, but overall amused and laughed a few times before going back to irritated, almost as if he couldn't make up his mind on what he wanted to be.Sonic shrugged and approached his friend oh so quietly...

"Hey Knux! How ya doin?" He called out, making Knuckles flinch and cut the monitor off. He turned around scowling, but his face was dusted with pink blush. Sonic felt himself hold back a laugh, "Uhhh, what'cha got there?"

"N-Nothing! What do you want?" He quickly switched the subject onto Sonic. The blue teenager crossed his arms and chuckled.

"Hm? Who's that~?" Sonic felt himself go silent as he heard the voice from the monitor speak. His chest started beating a bit faster than usual and suddenly his snarky remarks were gone. He didn't get why this was happening again, he was supposed to be over it!! Knuckles swallowed but then slowly pulled out his monitor, realizing that he'd only put it on a sleep mode. "U-Uh...n-not right now-" He was cut off by the voice on the other line.

"Oh! Blue! How ya doin'?" The smooth voice replied. Sonic bit his tongue. 


She was leaning against the giant green emerald that his echidna friend had dedicating his life to protecting and smirking playfully at whatever they were just talking about. The blue hedgehog narrowed his eyes, a stinging feeling in his chest. "Uh. Yo." Knuckles scratched the back of his head as Rouge winked at him, "Don't mind me~ Knuckie and I were just discussing our date plan," The echidna's face went extremely red as he slammed the monitor down.

Sonic swallowed hard.

"You mean..?"

"Ah, my bad! I wasn't supposed to say anything yet ahuhu~!"

Knuckles quickly hung up before she could say anything else. He looked at his friend with an anxious look. The hedgehog only gave him a blank stare, trying to suppress his true feelings. He could only look at those violet eyes with a stagnant stare.


"I gotta go." He said before speeding off.

"O-oh...okay." Knuckles scratched the back of his head.

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