Chapter 22: Frisk

Start from the beginning

I spun around and found the rectangle of light, the "door" I just passed through, behind me. I heard the shuffling of feet, and stepped back, as Frisk appeared through the door again.

Where did you go, She signed. Your hand just disappeared.

I was still trying to comprehend exactly what happened. I walked through the door, but back into the Void. But I knew why it happened. "I told you, I can't leave the Void. You can go."

Frisk shook her head in defiance, and grabbed my hand again.

I pulled it out, and said, "I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you alone, but you need to go."

Frisk's eyes started to tear up, and I could feel my eyes tearing up as well. I decided to give Frisk one last hug. "I'm sorry, this is goodbye. ...It was nice to meet you, Frisk."

Frisk held on tight to me. I could feel something, something between us. It was like when my mom helped me with my magic. Frisk then slowly let go, and signed, Good... bye... Chara, signing "Character" for my name, like I said she could. Then, saddened, she walks into the door, and disappears.

I stepped back from the door, and fall on my knees. Why? Why did life have to be so cruel? First I fall into this dark place, alone, and then I get to meet someone new, just for her to have to leave without me.

I started crying. For minutes on end. Hours? I didn't know, how could I in this timeless place.

After a while, I looked back up. The glowing rectangle door, was still there.

I stared at it, wondering if Frisk was okay. How long had it been for her?

Then I began to wonder, if this door is still open, then can I see her world?

I stepped close to the door, and carefully peered into it. All I saw was bright, blinding light. If the Void didn't keep me from changing, as it seemed, I might've gone blind. But really, I saw nothing.

...At first, but as I tried to concentrate on maybe seeing Frisk or at least through the door, an image appeared in the door. It was blurry at first, but it began to clear up, and I saw a scene... Frisk was standing near a tall rock spire. The area seemed to be... Waterfall. So I was right. It looked to be near the exit bridge, where Gaster first found out about my fear of heights.

I noticed Frisk was looking up at the top of a rock spire. I managed to will the image up, and as it did, I could see a monster.

She was some kind of humanoid fish, with blue scales, long red hair pulled into a ponytail, red fins where a human's ears would be, eyes with black vertical irises and yellow sclera, shark-like yellowed teeth, and of course, no nose. She had red eye shadow on, an eye patch on her left eye, and was wearing iron, knight-style armor.

She was yelling at Frisk about something, but it was unclear at first. But like the image, the sound cleared up, I could hear she was saying, "...Go ahead. Prepare however you want. But when you step forward... I will KILL you!"

What... what was she talking about. Frisk was so innocent. Why are you threatening...

Asgore's decree... I knew this could happen, but... Wait, was this monster trying to take her Soul? Wasn't the law to bring humans to Asgore, not kill them yourself?

I guess that didn't really matter at the moment. Frisk was in danger. And I let her go. She warned me about something about "mean monsters", but this...

No, I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let her die!

I thrust my hand on the door. They wouldn't go through. I pushed harder. Nothing. But I wouldn't this door keep me back.

I began to feel something I hadn't felt in a long time. This feeling filled my Soul, more than I feel it ever had...


Trying harder, started using my magic. Crimson red flames danced between my hands and the light. And slowly, I began to hear the sound of something cracking...

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Gaster was at home, looking through cameras he had set up a while ago, so the Royal Scientist could watch for humans, and assist the Royal Guard in their capture. But really, it was so Gaster could watch for anomalies. And one in particular...

He was watching the human girl that had fallen into the Underground recently, at least, in a sense. Last he saw her, she was poking around an inconspicuous wall in Waterfall. Nothing too important. He looked away for a second, but when he looked back... she was gone.

He began scrambling on across different camera views, hoping to find her, when he got an alert that a spatial disturbance had occurred. He switched the view to find the kid reappeared right back when she first disappeared, then, after looking around confused for a few seconds, turned around and... walked right through the wall.

His curiosity peaked, Gaster zoomed in at this strange anomaly. The girl reappeared again, but he didn't care. As she left in tears for some reason unknown to him, he more closely inspected the wall, at least, as well as he could through a camera.

He spent the next hour or two staring at this wall, hoping to find out what just happened, but found nothing. He was starting to think he should go investigate it personally, when suddenly... The wall just blew up.

It burst open a burst of red flame, leaving only a crater in the wall. But as the smoke cleared, he could see a figure. Once he could see the finer details of this mysterious character, he almost fell back in his chair from his surprise.

A small voice escaped his skeletal mouth, simply saying, "Chara..."

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Author's Note: Frisk has now been introduced. And this version... is mute. I don't know Sign Language, but I did go out of my way to look up some signs for the specific words (which I only had three, but there will probably be more). I also represent Sign Language the same way I do thoughts (as you may have noticed), with Italics.

Also, Chara is now freed. But how has her world changed since she was gone? If you remember the story of Undertale, then you might find details in this story that will be different now. So... what are those changes. And what happens next?

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