
"Now, why won't we have Xuanshen's mother to come up and talk about her experience as a mother" the MC announced and everyone clapped as J went on stage. They were at the auditorium now, it was half an hour after they entered the class and the teacher had guided them in here.

"Hello everyone, I'm Siyun, Xuanshen's mom and honestly, I don't really have too many things to talk about" she started and chuckled. "Why don't you start by taking off your mask?!" a woman shouted from the back and she grinned.

"Rumors may have it that I'm an assassin or whatever they say I am, I'm sure that you'd recognize me if I wore leather. Some gasps erupted from the crowd and she grinned even wider. "I see that some of you have put two and two together. Yes, I am Agent J. Now some of you, okay, most of you would be thinking, why someone like me would be here" she chuckled as the room fell silent.

"I may be what you call an assassin, but I work for no one. I may kill people and feel not guilty about it, but I right the wrongs. The people who died in my hands all did bad things, things I shouldn't say in a primary school's Mother's Day celebration. Why do I wear this mask, you may ask" she said.

"You might think that I wear the mask for disguise but I barely care of what they see, if they recognized me. I wore my mask to hide a scar I got from protecting my friend on a mission. I nearly went blind because of it, I'm lucky I didn't" she said and took of the mask, letting everyone see her scar as they gasped.

"Enough of my job and what I do, I'd like to talk about how I raised my son, Xuanshen. I have to be honest, I was never one to stay at home and do all the chores or do things any normal housewife would do. I would often go on missions and he would be left alone in the house. But I'm lucky to have a brave son" she smiled.

"I'm lucky that he is not the type of kid to cower away when his parents just announced to him that they kill for a living or anything of the sort. I've never wanted him to see that side of the cruel world we live in so soon and ruin his childhood but there was nothing I could do" she said.

"I raised him the best we could, with his father of course and I suppose that's what made him the boy he is now. I'm telling every one of you this, never EVER disrespect or misjudge someone from what their job is or how they look like or most importantly, for who they are. Your children will reflect your behavior and see the world wrong" she said.

"Too many people have seen the world from a wrong point of view, hence to what my job does. Teach them to see the world the right way. One more thing, make sure you shower them with love. They may not say it out loud or ask for it but they want it. They need the affection from their parents, it's just different with every kid" she said.

"I think that's enough from me, thank you and have a good afternoon" she said and stepped off the stage. Xuanshen immediately went to hug her and she smiled. "I'm proud to call you my mom" he said and she broke into a grin. "Love you, Shen" she said.

"Xuanshen!" Ruming called out and he turned to him. "Your mom is Agent J? THE Agent J? The one who kills bad people and brings justice to the world?" he asked and she giggled. "I am" she said. "That's... SO COOL OH MY GOD MY FRIEND'S MOM IS AGENT J" he screamed and she laughed at his behavior.

"Don't mind him, he's always one to love things related to action" his mother said and she shook her head. "I find him cute" she said. "The name's Yangxue" she extended her hand. "Siyun" she said and shook her hand. "Is this why you've always dodged coming to Mother's Day?" she asked as they walked to the food area.

Agent J // NEX7 Fan ChengChengWhere stories live. Discover now