Chapter 10

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Va'del didn't particularly like working at the stables. The rare occasions when he got to work with one of the gentle gurra were actually quite enjoyable, but Callan mostly just assigned him whatever menial task the stable master thought would tire the teenager out the quickest. As a result Va'del ended each day so exhausted that it took an incredible act of will to make himself practice with his sword and dagger.

The one offsetting advantage to the menial labor was that Va'del continued to bulk up at a prodigious rate. Even that was cheapened by the knowledge that it was in large part due to the forbidden changes Jasmin had worked on his body. As much as possible he was trying to avoid the notice of the few adults in his life. Can't have Jasmin's memory tainted even further.

Va'del was just about to put down the law book he'd just finished reading through for the second time, when a quiet clap announced someone seeking entrance to his room.

Javin and On'li had been the only people to ever visit Va'del, so maybe it shouldn't have surprised him when after more than two weeks of absence On'li was the one to slowly walk around the privacy corner to his room.

The slender old woman waved Va'del back down before he could fully stand to greet her. "I see you've been reading. What do you think?"

The question caught Va'del by surprised, and he looked at On'li in an effort to understand what she was getting at, but he didn't know her well enough to read her expression.

"I like it, I suppose. I mean, I don't understand everything I read, and it can be pretty dry, but Jasmin told me to look at it as a way for the rights of the villagers to be protected. I like that there is a way for people to appeal to someone other than the village Headman for justice in those cases when the Headman is wrong."

There was a flicker of something in On'li's eyes as she nodded.

Pity? Is that how she stops herself from hating me?

Obviously unaware of his thoughts, On'li pointed to Va'del's weapons. "Do you still practice with those as well?"

Va'del had no sooner answered in the affirmative than On'li instructed him to follow her along a set of corridors he hadn't been down before. A few minutes' journey brought the pair to a large, roughly finished cavern filled with men, both young and old, engaged in weapons training.

On'li walked over to one of the knots of figures without stopping. "Master Branar, I've another trainee for you."

The man who turned in response to On'li's voice was one of the most unprepossessing men Va'del had ever seen. The weapons master was only of average height, well-muscled, but so lean it looked like I'rone or Javin could have broken him in half.

"The next beginner class doesn't start for a month, Councilor. He'll have to wait until then."

On'li shook her head. "He isn't a beginner, I believe you'll find that he can keep up fairly well with your more experienced students. I'm afraid this isn't just a simple request."

It looked for a moment as if Branar would still refuse, but there was steel in the Guadel's manner that apparently had him unwilling to match wills with the tiny woman.

"Very well, I'll throw him in with the second-years and see how he manages." The arms master pointed to a group along one edge of the cavern, and then turned back to the students he'd been haranguing when they'd arrived.

On'li looked at Va'del for a moment before sighing the way one does when considering an especially unwanted burden. "Well, there isn't anything for it but to jump in and give it your best. You'll find that there are a number of Guadel candidates at the Capital currently, and they train here as well. For all practical purposes, they and the guardsmen trainees all outrank you, so make sure you're polite and don't cause trouble."

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