I glanced up at Harry who was calmly looking at the ground, moving his legs up and down.
Why was he acting so weird.

I didn't say anything stupid in my sleep, did I ?

"Come on Nichole, give her rest."

Andrea, you angel, thank you so much !

"Okay take care, we'll call you later." Andrea said before Nichole could even protest.

"Okay, bye."

I put the phone aside and take a piece of sandwich in my hand.

I don't know what to say to Harry. One part of me is shitting my pants right now because there is a possibility that I said something inappropriate last night.
And another part of me is thinking that Harry might be feeling uncomfortable around me because we had quite an intense moment last night. One in the bathroom, and one in the middle of the night.

"Harry, are you upset for some reason ?" I ask him, going against my gut feelings which screamed at me to not ask.

Do I really want to know the answer ?

No, definitely not.

"No, I am just a bit shook by last night's events. And also a bit tired." He says, as if proving his point, a loud yawn made it's way to him.

"I am going to take a nap upstairs. Call me if you need my help." He didn't even wait for my response and just walked out.

He even pushed the button from his room and made the stairs disappear in the wall again.

I almost went behind him but my phone vibrated again.

Oh god, who is it now ?


"Hey Violet, are you alright?" His soft voice asked.

"Yeah, I am fine."

"I am so so sorry I wasn't there to help you. I had no idea all of this was happening." He started apologising.

That thought had crossed my mind, if I am honest. I don't know where all of them were and when they realised that I was absent. It would have been helpful if any of them were around, not that I am holding a grudge or something.

"It's okay Zayn, I handled it myself. Don't feel guilty." I said, genuinely meaning it.

"Yeah, we saw the footage. You handled it quite bravely. But it still makes me feel so useless.."

I didn't know what to say, so I just hummed in affirmation.

"Hey, Can you come with us to a movie and dinner later? It would make me feel a lot less guilty." He said calmly, as if it was already decided.

"Who do you mean by us ?"

"Me, Louis, Liam, Nichole and Andrea. And hopefully, you."

"Umm.. I don't know Zayn, I have a lot homework to finish and.. you guys go, I'll join you some other time."

"Come on, Violet. It's on me, please come. I would feel a lot more better." Zayn was firm to make sure I went.

And it won't hurt to spend the evening out, right ? Its not like a party. So we'll be home early. And also, I haven't gone to watch a movie since ages.

"Okay, I'll come. Now stop feeling bad, Zayn." I agreed, smiling at my own statement.

"Thank you ! Okay, I'll pick you up at 5, then all our friends will meet us at the Cinema itself."

Now that's going to get awkward.

"Oh.. okay,"

For the sake of not making it awkward already, I agreed.

After talking with Zayn, I put my phone aside and go to Harry's room.

I know he clearly wants to be left alone, but I don't want to look at his upset face anymore, I want the usual goofy and cheeky Harry.

He was reading a book while lying on his bed when I climbed up to his room.

He must've heard me, so he didn't seem surprised to see me. He just looked up, smiled and went back to reading quietly.

He was reading my copy of The Fault in Our Stars, which is strange because I have always seen him reading ancient books.

That day when Harry had showed me his room, I had kept all my books in his huge wall bookshelf as well. He had emptied an entire shelf for me.
But he had said that the true authenticity of literature has disappeared over the decades, so he didn't like this generations' books. And he always prefers reading the old and ancient literature.

"Hey," I said to fill up the silence and walk to the bookshelf, randomly scanning the titles.

I had yet not covered all the books in here, and I was really desperate to atleast know all the titles of Harry's collection.

"Hi, you need something ?"

Harry had not intended on sounding rude but that statement felt quite harsh.

"Umm.. no, I came here to ask you something." I say casually going to sit on the side of his bed.


Now I had his undivided attention, so I took a breathe and started.

"My friends and I are going to watch a movie in the evening, and then we'll have dinner together. So I was thinking if you'd like to come.."

I was sure of myself when I had started, but as I reached the end. He wouldn't take it offensively, right ?

"I think you'll like a day out, and we'll figure something out.." I add, trying to make it feel less offensive.

"Violet, I really appreciate your effort but I don't think I should come. All of your friends must be feeling guilty about last night and it would be great if you go and have your undivided attention on them." He said in a calm, unhurried tone.

So he didn't take offense of my offer.

"You sure ? Because I really don't mind if you want to come." I try again, trying to not sound desperate.

"No Violet, thank you so much for asking but I don't think I should. You go, have fun." He smiled.

"Okay, then I promise to spend the whole sunday with you. And tonight's dinner is on me." I say, feeling guilty about all this.

"Hey, you don't have to make it up to me. Don't feel guilty."

"No, I am not doing it out of guilt, Harry. I want to." I say, leaning closer and putting my hand over his.

For a while, he kept looking at me with an unreadable expression, and then, a smile appeared on his face. But even that smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

It's okay, I'll make him smile for a long time tomorrow. I'll make it all up to him.


I don't like this silent and awkward Harry. 😢

But he'll go away soon, and the usual Harry will be back in no time 😊.

Anyways, what do you think of this chapter? Do tell me in the comments and don't forget to give it a vote !


The Knight In Shining Armour (H.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now