The Chosen Ones

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The villagers crowded around the the saviors. A small little boy walked up to Marvin and gave him a teddy. A woman walked up to Cameron and gave him a kiss. Cam and the lady smiled. A fellow dwarf walked up to Ian and gave him and gave him a ring. Twins walked up to Savon and hugged his legs.

" You have done good young warriors It is a lot of bandits and monsters invading our poor little village you see " The high elder said.

The four sheded tears.

" Well you see we try our hardest to save this poor gaming world and I see how much you people go through I believe I speak for all of us " Marvin said in tears.

" Yeah you got it bro " Cam followed.

" Yeah " The two supported.

" We will make ourselves a home here and we will live here as a home village " Marvin spoke.

" All hail our saviors " The high elder spoke.

The villagers then bowed towards the saviors.

" There is no need for that we are now one of you " Savon explained.

" We will need to head to the main city to get parts and pieces to our home we will return in a bit " Ian said

Fancy pulled up a portal. The eight walked through the portal to the main city. Once they were there the city was booming with people. As they were walking through the city Marvin pointed out the tavern where everything started.

They finally made it to the house workshop place. Just as they walked in a rumbling on the floor occurred. They ran outside to see Arethiack.

" Hello once again fellow gamers I'm here to announce that you will receive your original looks good bye " Arethiack explained.

Arethiack was then gone with just a blink of an eye. Everyone had went back to original form.

Marvin was still 5ft2 male black hair and red eyes, and still the same weopons.

Savon was 5ft4 male black hair and blue eyes, and a blue katana.

Ian was 5ft6 male brown hair and white green eyes, with a big mace.

Cameron was 5ft2 male black hair and white eyes, with a staff.

" I miss my old body " Savon yelled towards the sky.

" Back to normal " Marvin said.

" Ah yeah " Ian shouted.

" I wonder what the villagers would say " Cameron thought to himself.

The boys ran to the house shop except Cam. Cam was still thinking to himself.

" Hey guys wait up " Cam yelled.

The four walked in the store to see there was no clerk. Ian ran up and sat on the counter and rang the bell. There was a fat old man who came from the corner of the room.

" Hello fine youngsters what can I help you with " The old man asked with jolly.

" Well sir, we are here for some tools and part to build a four room house, please " Savon asked.

" Well I think I have just what you need young men " The old man said.

" Thank you sir " Cameron said.

" Sir we didn't catch your name " Ian explained.

The man went into the back room to get the parts. The man came back out with the tools and parts.

" Well young men my name is Connor, here you go " Connor explained.

The four had finally returned back in their normal forms. The high elder looked at the new forms of the saviors.

" Can they really be the chosen ones " The high elder thought to himself.

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