This new Team

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Marvin looked back to only see Cameron walking towards him. Savon also looked back to see the same. They saw Cam's head was down and he had a shadowy aura covering his body.

" Cam what happened " Marvin yelled.

" What happened GOD DAMMIT " Marvin screamed.

Marvin's eyes began to water in fear. So did Savon's, Cam then fell to the ground and looked to the sky. After a few seconds had passed rain began to poor over the warriors. Blue-Jay had put on his Ice hood, then Marvin looked into his inventory to find a new item.

Marvin looked closer to see the name of the item was" THE SAVIOR'S ARMOR ". Marvin tapped on the armor and was slowly equipped with the armor. He had a red hood , with a black shirt, that had white pants. But these clothes were very tattered.

" Bro your close are kind've beat up " said the mysterious figure.

" Ummm don't mind me asking but what is your name " Savon asked.

" Oh me I'm Flame but I guess you can see why they call me that, this here is my friend Blue-Jay but don't mind him he is really quiet " Flame explained.

Cam had risen and then teleported away from the others. Blue-Jay looked to see that Cam was gone and went to chase after him.

" Where is he going " Marvin asked.

" More importantly where is your friend going " Flame said.

Flame looked into his inventory to find his map.

" What you doing there " Savon asked.

" Well Blue-Jay doesn't know this but I put a chip in him, the reason why is due to the fact that he tends to run of a lot to be the big hero so I put a chip inside of him so I don't lose him, him and Gear are the only thing I got " Flame answered.

Marvin looked at Flame, Flame tapped on the map and a red dot appeared.

" Ah that where you are my boy " Flame murmured to himself.

" Well come on now, if you want your boy back Blue-Jay knows where he is " Flame forenamed.

The boys touch Flame's arm as he instantly teleported to Blue-Jay and Cameron.

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