The First Boss Or Was It

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   " Hey here we go its time to go im a little scared but lets go " Marvin said with fright in his tone.

  As the teens walked further towards in the room the door slamed.  There was a loud roar echoing through the halls of the room.  It was ironic because there were five hall leading to different rooms.  Athena had pulled the four boys to a circle in the main room.

   " Alright guys here is the plan Marvin take the middle hall Ian and Cameron take Left and Right Savon choose an open slot " Athena explained.

  Savon ran into the left diagonal hall.  Athena had knodded her head and ran down the right diagonal.  Marvin had finally entered the room at the end of the hall. So was the other four.  There were five cute little minitaurs. The minitaurs ran as fast as they could to the main room. 

   " Hey can you guys hear me " Athena said in a faint whisper.

   " Yeah why is that " Ian said confused.

   " Okay, I put you guys in a private chat so we can talk no matter where we are " Athena explained.

   " Ohhhhhhhhh " The four said as a reply.

  The five teens ran down the hall to follow their targeted minitaurs.  They all finally made it to the main room to see the minitaurs performing a ritual.  There was a gleaming light coming frome the middle of the ritual circle.  Everyone in the room was blind for 5 seconds.  When everyone got their sight back there was a mighty roar.

   " Um what is that " Cameron said frightened.

   " Everyone he is going to run aroud in a circle making a barrier then he is going to make a blode that can paralyze you Okay " Athena explained with demand.

  They stood still to wait for the minitaur to began his combo.  Marvin rushed through his inventory looking for tools to make a new sword.

   " Hey guys cover me, while you guys where moving ahead that girl that I saw earlier in the tavern pulled me to the side and gave me some cool items and said that I was the chosen one " Marvin rushed into a sentence.

  Marvin had finally finished his sword " The Angel of Darkness " the swords name was.  Marvin and Athena charged toward the minitaur and the other three joined.  As they charged the minitaur disapered and everything went dark.  When the light turned back on everyone looked up to see...


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