I relaxed in the water, happy that everything was done, finally being able to relax.
I washed my hair and scrubbed the dirt and blood from my body, which made my bruises stand out more.

After a while, I stepped out and dried my self off. The woman from before came into the bath room to hand me my clean clothes and brush my hair.

I changed into the long skirt that floated around me like silk and the comfortable shirt that went down to my hands.
She brushed my hair until it was dry, than led me out and to my bed.

"Sleep now child, rest yourself."
I climbed into the sheets and closed my eyes.
I was asleep before she left the room.


My eyes opened slowly, and I tried to shake off the feeling that they were glued shut.

I blinked a few times to try and clear my vision. That was when I noticed that someone was holding my right hand. Without lifting my head, I turned to the right to see who it was.

"Éowyn!" I spoke softly.
She smiled. "Welcome back Ryanne."
I closed my eyes and sighed heavily.
"It's over isn't it? It's all over."
"Yes, it's a miracle the Hobbits survived. Frodo still hasn't awaken yet, however."

My eyes flew open. "Éowyn, how long was I asleep?" She laughed softly.
"Two days. Aragorn's crowning is today in the afternoon. We thought we might have to put it off if you hadn't woken up yet."

I smiled. "He will be the best King Gondor has ever had."
"Yes he will." She agreed.
"But let's get you up and dressed, pray tell how you survived that fall."

She and I talked quietly while she helped me into my now clean clothes. Brown pants, blue shirt and brown boots. My weapons were by my bed and I put them on too.

Éowyn told me that it was still very early in the morning, and many people won't be up yet. So after I was dressed, she came with me to walk the castle.

The two of us strolled casually through the gardens and halls, finally being able to relax, knowing The Ring was destroyed.
We saw the sun come up, and she told me how she had watched it come up the day we embarked to the Black Gate, she was scared like never before.

"Aragorn led us to victory." I told her.
"As he has done countless times before."
She smiled. "He will be glad to finally be home."

"Ryanne?" A voice sounded behind us.
Turning, my face broke into a smile when I saw Legolas.
I ran towards him, and he caught me in his arms, hugging me close.
"You were asleep for two days, we were wondering if you would ever awake!"
He pulled away and kissed me gently.

"I love you." He told me.
"I love you too."

"Haha! Here's that warrior girl!"
We both turned to see Aragorn turning the corner by us.
I smiled.
"The one and only, my King!"
He laughed again.

"Frodo's awake, thought you might want to know."
My heart sped up. He was awake!
Legolas smiled with relief and took my hand.

He followed Aragorn and to the Hobbit's room where Merry, Pippin, Sam, Gimli and Gandalf were already with him.

The six of them looked up when we came in. Frodo was in a huge bed with the covers around his waist. He was wearing bed clothes and looked exhausted but also very happy.

"Ryanne!" Frodo said in a small voice. "Legolas, Aragorn!"
"We are all here Master Baggins." Aragorn said. "Here and well."

I crossed the room and laid a hand on the Hobbit's small shoulder.
"You were brave Frodo Baggins." I told him. "Very brave. I honor you for what you did."
He smiled up at me.

Two Bows (A Legolas/OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now