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- Riyang pov -

It was a rainy night when everything changed. My innocence was taken from me at thirteen years old by a man twice my age. It wasn't easy after that, having to walk around as if I was cursed to bring misfortune upon the whole city. My son was worth the pain I went through, seeing him so beautiful and innocent in this ugly and evil world.

After he was born, my family disowned me, saying it was my fault that a man touched me and found me worthless. I was forced to live on the streets, begging and working for food. That's when I met her.

I thought she would make my life better. She brought me to a warm house and gave me a nice scrub. She dressed me up prettily and told me I shouldn't suffer any longer and should be paid to have men beg for me. I listened to her and suffered the price.

My son was raised in a brothel, alongside his half brother, who I hid from Mistress. My sisters were very helpful with my children, which I was thankful for. But I hated the life that had been forced upon me.

"Mama, I miss you a lot." I looked down and smiled at the young man before me, his appearance tall and proud despite his hardships. His younger brother smiled beside him, also happy as I laid my eyes upon the two of them.

"I'm sorry, my lovely children. I dislike being away from you. But I have to feed you and your large appetites somehow." I replied, ruffling their hair. I loved the feeling of their soft curls since it brought me so much peace.

"I understand mama. But I wish I could go to school as the other children do." The younger do the two said, pouting and giving me his best-begging face. I chuckled and pinched his cheeks.

"You're already smarter than the rest, why show off?" I asked, making him sigh.

"Rui ge, take me to school too." He asked, making the elder laugh.

"But Xiaoyang, you already know the same amount of letters and numbers as any palace official would since our mother is very smart and knows all the words to be known in the capital." He replied, making the younger pout again.

"Boys, my beautiful and smart sons, let's eat some dinner, hmm?" I stated, ending the conversation and bringing out some beef and rice.

I wished they would always be this innocent and happy. Watching them laugh and talk to each other about anything and everything gave me the most happiness I could ever receive from anyone. But it was always short-lived.

A single knock on the door would indicate that Mistress was coming to check on us. A single knock meant the boys must hide and evidence of their living as quickly as possible. It was hard, teaching them and making them live that way, but it had to be done. They could be killed for just breathing if they were caught.

"Good evening, my lovely Riyang. How was your day?" She asked, a sly smile upon her colored lips as she sat in front of me, examining my movements.

"Fine, sister. Do you have another client for me?" I replied, smiling as I offered her tea.

"Yes. He is on his way now. Paid quite a high price to see you. I told you that you were worth much." She replied, drinking the warm liquid with a smile.

"How much was it?" I asked, hoping to earn some coin to buy some cloth.

"Five hundred pieces of silver." She answered, making me gasp.

"Five hundred? I've never had that much of a price before. Is he of a higher rank than usual?" I questioned, earning a nod as she giggled.

"Treat him well, darling. I'll reward you with a bigger room." She told me, giving me one last look of determination before leaving.

- Mingrui pov -

"Rui ge I don't think we should go in there." I looked at my brother with a smirk.

"But think of all the treasure we could find. We can buy our mother her freedom!" I explained, earning a look of consideration as he contemplated his options.

"That's a good idea I guess. But what if we get caught? We could be killed." He replied, making me roll my eyes.

"Stop thinking so negatively Shuyang, we can do this!" I told him, taking his hand and leading him in through the small alleyway that would lead to the expensive house I'd seen last time I went exploring.

I knew stealing was wrong, but what my mother was being forced to go through was much worse than a few pieces of jade missing from an old house that no one lived in.

I picked up a few pieces with a smile, knowing I could save my mother from her life with these valuable gems. But that happiness didn't last long as my hand was snatched in mid-air, a strong grip upon my wrist as I was pulled out of the building.

"You're hurting me!" I whined, making the man chuckle.

"You're committing a crime worthy of death, and you're complaining about pain?" He stated, making me shut my mouth as I was shoved to the ground alongside my brother.

"I told you we shouldn't have come here. Mama is going to kill us." Shuyang whispered, making me roll my eyes.

"What is your mother's name?" The man asked, his eyes glaring at us as we didn't respond. "I could kill you now and send you to an unmarked grave, but I'm sure you'd rather be buried in your family plot."

"We don't have a family plot." I shoved Shuyang as he spoke up, making him confused. "Mama taught us to respect the officials of the palace."

"She taught you well, but it seems as though your brother as different plans. Maybe I should teach him a lesson on respecting his elders." The man stated, smiling at me as he grabbed a pole.

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