Chapter Four: Deception

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I waited in the alleyway- leaning nonchalantly on the wall. I was early. The rain was helpful, though. I wore a new raincoat. A white one. 

It wasn't too different from my old white one, just newer. I hadn't gone outside in a long time, so my old one no longer fit. I hated how it looked on me. It reminded me of things that I no longer wished to remember. 

I would have erased those faded memories had it been that easy. 

Unfortunately, life wasn't as easy as that. In fact, erasing those memories would be a fatal error on my part. 

Izaya arrived. He seemed surprised that I was waiting for him. I pretended not to notice.

"Early, are we?"

I shrugged.

"So what is it you needed to show me?"

I pretended to look around for someone and let out a false sigh of relief. I motioned for him to follow, and pointed to a hole in the side of the building.

"You think that's the entrance?" He snorted, seemingly trying to contain laughter. I crossed my arms in annoyance and shook my head no, typing my explanation out on the phone.
'It's a tunnel system, but there's something weird about it- I can't explain it like this- you'll just have to see.'

I motioned for him to follow me as we descended into the tunnel. Once we got to the bottom, we stood side by side. I could tell he was suspicious.

"Hmm... This is weird. How do you know it's connected to them?"

'I don't. It's just a feeling.'

Just as I was about to go forward, he pushed me back. 

"I'll lead, this doesn't seem safe." He smiled, but I could tell he was thinking that he had foiled my plan. I knew he didn't know who I was, but judging by the audio I recorded earlier, he seems to think that I'm just another person trying to get fame from taking him down, or that I'm working for someone that wants to.

Oh how wrong he was.

He continued walking, a few paces ahead of me. I told DeeBot to seal off the entrance. The loud sound alerted him, but just before he turned around, I turned off my light.

The total darkness was easy for me to see in, but not so much Izaya. His eyes took only three-point-five seconds to adjust, but it was enough. I silently moved around to be behind him. 

"Commence operation 'Kuro Chou'" I qued DeeBot mentally.

My eye glowed again, illuminating the box-like metallic tunnel that we stood in. He froze.

I let the raincoat fall to the ground, revealing the same outfit I wore that day: A white shirt with an origami black butterfly design printed on it, and black jeans. A long, knee-length black jacket over top of the ensemble made the outfit complete.

He turned around slowly and deliberately. An intimidation tactic. I kept my eyes trained on him.

"It's funny that you think you can stop me. Whoever your boss is didn't pay you enough for what's about to happen to-!" Izaya stopped, mid-sentence as he saw me. Not Chuku- but the girl who's life he tore to shreds. Chou.

"You..." He practically whispered. I could hear the gears turning in his mind as he tried to remain stoic and unpredictable. His face showed many emotions all at once.
I wasted no time in putting the gas mask on my face
"DeeBot, you know what to do."

I watched as the furious male tried to lunge at me. I sidestepped him easily. After our last encounter so long ago, I knew his fighting style. I had trained for this day.

"How?! How are you here!? How are you alive!? You died a year ago!" He yelled at me furiously.

I wanted to burst out laughing. The fake news broadcast worked better than intended. Ironic, that he thought I was dead and gone. It'll take more than a car crash to kill me. Izaya of all people should have known that. After a few more swings with his knife, he collapsed.

(By the way, time skips will be indicated by '***') ***

Some time had passed and DeeBot was busy setting the unconscious Izaya up in the containment room. I took a shower and changed. It had been such a long journey. I looked at the phone as it buzzed. I had a missed text from Shizuo. It was unexpected, but i could deal with that.
"Are you okay? Izaya's informants haven't seen him today, and I haven't seen either of you, which is kind of strange." The screen read.
'Actually, I'm better than I've ever been.'
I threw the phone back down and fell onto the bed in a silent fit of uncontrollable giggling. I had the whole of Ikebukuro wrapped around my finger.

Dee walked in. "His vitals are perfect, and I'm positive just that freaked him out a decent amount."

I smiled giddily at my assistant. "Oh, I'm sure it did! But we aren't done just yet- Oh no, no, no! He'll get what he deserves."

Dee laughed happily, seemingly unaware of my shift in demeanor. I wondered for a brief moment if she ever felt anything other than happiness.

"You seem to have a lot of energy! Do you want me to start your program?"

I didn't even have to answer. Dee turned on the synthetic voice simulator, and I smiled. I could speak without it, if it ever came to that, but it had been such a long time.

Despite being able to physically speak,  I preferred to speak using a fake voice when talking out loud. Even if it was just Dee, no one but me and my sister had heard my true voice. As a very young child, I must have spoke a lot. Something shifted in me when I became aware. I fail to remember the exact reasons. 

Maybe I hated my real voice? I doubt that, but it's possible, I guess. Maybe it had something to do with them...It probably was them... I let my mind wander for a moment, before deciding on a song to sing. I was rusty, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I couldn't help but think about my plans as the night went on.

"Master? What's wrong? You seem...Distant..." Dee commented, as I paused my singing to think.

I looked at my friend with a lopsided smile on my face, speaking using the program. "Deception...How fitting that the tables have turned, Eh? Pieces of the past fit together like shards of glass. It's such a weird feeling. The feeling hurts me, yet I love it still." I tilted my head curiously at her.
"Becoming something I'm not was my purpose, after all. As much as I hate it, maybe Ikedo was right...I can't escape it, can I?" I smiled still, resting my head on my hand lazily.

"Maybe, but maybe not." She shrugged, mirroring my position and expression. "Maybe things will be easier to understand tomorrow."

I nodded as she turned off the program. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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