Chapter Two: Operation Undercover

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The room was almost complete. The final step was to get him. 

What exactly he had done? That, even I couldn't remember clearly. 

Something had caused him to be angry- that something being me threatening to take over the city, perhaps, and leave him lower than me? 

It was still unclear. 

Maybe he was just toying with my life like he did everyone else's. Either way, that monster tried to feign innocence, and I fell for it. At the time, I was mostly...normal. If you could even call it that.

 I still had my odd infatuation with manipulation and the mind. Him being so contradictory in mannerisms and words intrigued me, I guess. And just moving to Ikebukuro, I hadn't heard the rumors until it was far too late. He was the only one I couldn't decipher. I followed him for a while- and managed to keep everything from him about my true personality. 

He only saw me as another plaything, a pawn in his game. I even kept almost everything about my family and friends a mystery to him. 

But: the key words here were almost everything

 Somehow, he found out about my younger sister. She was one of the few reasons I moved here to begin with. I hadn't met her in person until she convinced me to move to Ikebukuro, as she was living there, and needed company. I obliged. 

That was when everything went haywire.

Izaya caused the chaos, as per usual. He got ahold of her before anyone could warn her. Not even myself. I assume she was far too gone for me to have done anything by the time I arrived there, as she moved there 4 years before I did. 

 He killed her in front of me, trying to convince me it was my fault. Well...Not exactly by his own hand. But it was still that bastard's fault.

A small part of me believed his manipulation at first. But I was smarter than that. I'm not that easy to manipulate. Either way, he still tried.

That was my breaking point. I fell into a deeper silence than ever before. Before that day, I would use a synthetic voice to talk and sing, I was happy before he ripped that from me. 

Once he did that to me- I was reduced to nothing but a ball of pain and anger. He hurt me to the point of no return.

He did this to me.

I had to avenge Aki. That much I knew. 

 Ever since I was born, I had no need for emotion. He changed that. 

 Now, The only thing I felt was the need for revenge. Hell, even murder if I had to.

 I barely registered my nails digging into the palms of my hand as I walked up the street to his apartment complex. 

I looked much different from that night on purpose. 

There was no way he'd recognize me. I thought.

 I had cut my hair, and oddly enough my hair had turned fully white. It was probably due to the chemicals I was exposed to prior to Ikebukuro. I was extremely skinny, and I had no need to be any fatter- I was strong, even with my small size. I had a scar over my right eye from a fight soon after escaping the rotting warehouse where the incident occurred. 

 Oh, and did I mention that he tried to kill me too? 

I had fought back when he killed her- or rather, she killed herself.

 Just my luck that I wasn't very experienced at the time.

 Needless to say, he won the fight. 

If it wasn't for DeeBot being on-call during that, I'd be lying there, still bleeding to death. He wasn't the one that made that scar on my eye, though. That was my stupidity to blame as I went looking for a fight right after I had healed. I was pissed. Emotions being new, I didn't know how to deal with it. I ran directly into a few of the Yellow Scarves members. That ended just about as well as you'd expect. I had to replace both the eye and some of the flesh around it with synthetic replacements. That really didn't bother me, but the scar stayed. Dee scolded me like a mother would once I woke up from the transplant. 

I shook my head at the memory and turned onto the street where he lived. 

He'll never know what hit him. 

After a full year of preparation, I was ready. I was wearing a mouth mask- a simple black one with a red crossed out circle on it, partially to signal that I was mute, and partially to cover my features. My eyes were dull now, not full of mischief like they once were, not to mention they were much, much lighter in saturation. 

I had replaced my entire wardrobe to help deter him from recognizing me. I was quite lanky, and before I would wear incredibly baggy clothing, so I would look a little healthier than I really was, but now, I was wearing a black and white striped shirt with a gold ankh- the Egyptian symbol for life- as a design. I wore a black skirt with leggings instead of my usual jeans, and a beanie instead of a hooded jacket. It was something I would wear if I was pretending to be a stereotypical 'edgy person' which was exactly what I was going for, someone that didn't care, or wanted to appear tougher than they really were.

My usual attire was either dark, or plain. Nothing strayed from that. And it was never skirts. I usually wore a plain t-shirt and work jeans and my large white lab coat. I had grown since that night too.

 I was now taller than before. Well- I wasn't tall at all before, so it was quite the difference. I was now only two inches shorter than the information broker, instead of a whole foot smaller. I had painted my nails- and I hated it. 

But I had to be someone I wasn't. I rang the bell to the room that was his using my sleeve so that a fingerprint couldn't be detected, and walked away at a somewhat fast pace leaving the note I had prepared on the doorstep. 

It was typed up, in case he recognized my handwriting. 

I heard the door click open and I slowed my pace a little so that I wouldn't seem suspicious. It seemed to work well enough until I realized that this was Izaya we were talking about. Just as I suspected, I ran directly into the illusive jerk at my next turn down an alleyway.

 Pretending to be surprised I jumped back a little. 

 "Chuku, I presume?" 

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