Chapter Three: A Hollow Heart

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He smirked, making me cringe inwardly. The look he had given me and countless others made me want to destroy him right then and there. 

But despite my urge to hit him, I didn't. 

"You were the one who left me this note, correct?" I nodded. 

 "What?" He laughed. "Cat got your tongue?" 

 I shook my head no and pulled out my spare phone, typing the word 'mute' out in the notepad app.

"Ah, I see. Well, that makes this case even more interesting. ~" 

I inwardly cringed a second time. New record, Izaya. If you aren't careful you're going to have quite the situation on your hands. I hated his smugness. 

 "Well, you mentioned an issue?" 

I quickly typed out a fake scenario: " a few weeks ago, I had managed to find the Yellow Scarves's hideout, and escaped, but I wasn't sure if they saw me or not- and yes, I may not be able to speak, but I had some weird things happen since then. I couldn't explain until later as I couldn't bring the evidence out in the open." 

He nodded. I convinced him to meet me in the alley that was near the Russian Sushi place so I could show it to him. He agreed, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy. 

"I'll walk you back, if you're having so much trouble with them." He smiled devilishly. 

I rolled my eyes. At least I have a plan for a situation like this. I was 'friends' (If you could even call it that when you don't care about anything.) with Shizuo. Well, if he knew who I really was, he'd most likely hate me as much as he does Izaya, but that wouldn't matter. I mainly needed him for this plan anyway. 

I made sure to show up around where he is randomly to visit and get acquainted with the gentle giant. He was friends with the past me, the one before the incident. Courtesy of my sister of course. There was no way in hell I'd talk to ANYONE without her coaxing me to. 

After I went underground I assumed he didn't know me any longer. That seemed to be correct as he suspected nothing. I had begun to be insanely close to the past Bartender, yet again. He clearly was attached to the fake personality of me, but that was irrelevant to my plan. I told Dee to text him that I saw Izaya harassing a girl on the street where I was walking. Soon enough as me and Izaya were walking, him asking me pesky yes or no questions the entire time- A loud crash rang out a few feet in front of us. 

Izaya told Chuku that he'd meet her later, and that he had to run- literally.

 Chuku watched as the two ran the opposite way down the streets of Ikebukuro. Letting my natural, and not fake, personality take over once the two were out of sight,  I made a sharp left after asking Arial Bot for Intel on my area. Seeing that the coast was clear, I continued on my merry way.

 After a short while, I was back in the safety of my hidden base. I texted Shizuo after I got home saying that I saw him, and that he did 'amazing.' 

I might need his help again.

He didn't catch Izaya, but he seemed okay with that. What he seemed more upset about was the fact that the girl he tried to 'save' mysteriously disappeared. 

'She seemed like a really shy person, like me, so she probably just ran for it. I mean, if I was just minding my own business and a CAR was thrown at me and another person, followed by an incredibly scary and strong man in a suit- I'd run for the hills. :)' I sent the text to him and not bothering to wait for the response, threw the phone into a pile of pillows on the floor next to me. 

"Did the mission go as planned, Master Chou?" 

"I think it did, Dee." 

Dee put her hand on my back. My face was smashed into the pillows that were still on my bed, and I probably looked a mess, as it was raining again when I left the street. DeeBot giggled. "You'll suffocate if you stay like that, Master!" 

"Eeh, I'll be fine." I waved her off jokingly as I rolled over. Tomorrow...It all began.

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