"She hasn't made me do anything. I have told you so many times that I'm doing this because I want to," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Nobody wants to share their girlfriend with another woman. Come on Jenny, can't you see how she is manipulating and taking advantage of you?" she asks and I feel my temper start to flare a little.

"You have literally never given her a chance. You don't listen to me when I tell you how incredibly happy she has made me. I love her and if you were really my friend you would want me to be happy," I say and she frowns.

"Of course I want you to be happy, Jenny. I want it more than anything, but I just don't see this working out. Maybe you are happy now, but you know better than anyone how quickly things can change. You were happy with Rose for a year before..."

"Stop right there!" I interrupt. "Parker is absolutely nothing like Rose," I say and she gives me a doubtful look.

"Isn't she? She has manipulated you into giving her exactly what she wants and has you thinking it's somehow okay for her to treat you like this," she says with concern.

I shake my head and laugh in disbelief. "I get that you think you are looking out for me, but I need you to stop. You don't know Parker at all and you clearly refuse to give her a chance. It's clear you have already made your mind up about this and it's not going to change no matter what I tell you, so I think I'm done here," I say as I stand up to leave.

"Jenny, please don't go," she calls after me as I start to walk away. I don't turn around, I just keep on walking out the door.

Allison literally has never given Parker a chance. She had her mind made up about her from day one. I know her intentions in her mind were good and she only wants to protect me, but I don't need protection from Parker.

I make my way down the hall and turn the corner to see Raegan as she is walking off the elevator.

"Hey," I say as I get closer to her and she looks up and gives me a small smile.

"Hey. Were you just coming in or leaving?" she asks as she gestures to her apartment door.

"Leaving. I was just at my friend's down the hall," I say and a disappointed look crosses her face.

"So does that mean Parker isn't here?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, she isn't. She is hanging out with Brayden tonight," I say and her face drops.

"Ugh. Are you serious?" she asks and I shrug. "Fuck. I'm starving and was really hoping she would be cooking something good for dinner," she says exhaustedly and I look at her with a raised brow.

"Do you not know how to cook for yourself?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Well, yeah, of course I do. But I don't really want to and I think we could both agree that Parker is a lot better at it," she says and I laugh a little.

"True. She is an amazing cook. I guess you are stuck with leftovers it seems."

"Ugh..." she groans before her face suddenly lights up like she just had a brilliant idea. "Actually..." she says as she looks at me for a second. "How would you like to go grab dinner with me?" she asks and I look at her skeptically.

"You want to go out to dinner? Together?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah. I hate eating alone. And of course, It's my treat," she says and I look at her for a second.

Raegan and I have been getting along better but I honestly don't think we have reached a point where we can really hang out without Parker around to break things up when they start to get a little heated between us. I don't think we are at a point any longer where an argument between us could end in blood spilt, but that doesn't mean things couldn't potentially be bad.

Stay With Me [Completed] (Destined to Be Book 2) [TeacherXStudent] {GirlXGirl} Where stories live. Discover now