Chapter 41: Forest Clash

Depuis le début

"Come Arrowheart, I can tell you wish to challenge me, let's see if you have what it takes to stand up to me, the strongest warrior of them all," Frostfang said.

Arrowheart growled. "You stopped being a warrior the moment you betrayed your Clan." He charged at the Circle leader with fury in his eyes. He swiped at the scarred white tom with his claws fully extended. Frostfang nimbly dodged the attack, though the action did dislodge him from Watertail. The queen let out a moaning cry, her body lay still on the stone. Blood poured from the wound in her neck. Even if she did somehow manage to survive it, there was no way it wouldn't leave a scar of some sort.

"Hehe. You'll have to do better than that." Frostfang sneered.

Clearstar careened to make the next attack, but it was clear the WolfClan leader was having a hard time keeping his balance on the slippery stones. His claws scrabbled on the slick stone, the scratching grating on the ears. There was very little room on these rocks for one cat, let alone two.

"Try to go around Clearstar! You'll fall off otherwise. Just come from the other side and we can attack him together!" He called out, worried about the WolfClan leader. The fast runner looked annoyed at the prospect of backing off, but like Arrowheart he knew why it had to be done. The leader scrambled back onto the shore and sprinted off. He knew the white tom would be back soon.

His thoughts were pulled away from Clearstar as he felt someone pouncing on him, digging claws into his shoulder. "You should have never looked away Arrowheart!"

Frostfang's claws swiped deep into his skin. Arrowheart could feel the pain springing up into his side. Goldenclaw and Wire were still splashing in the water together, sending droplets everywhere. He was pretty certain his brother would come out on top, but it was hard to tell under the spray of foam. And, to make matters worse there was another sound alerting his ears. Watertail was writhing on the ground. Her eyes were wide and she was almost dry-heaving.


***Patchfur's POV***

It was hard to tell when the fighting had started by the time Patchfur, Blossomstar and the others arrived at the battle. Cats of all different clans were duking it out under the canopy. Blood fountained on the tree roots to stain them a dark black. He spotted Wishstar battling to FarrieClan cats. Blood dotted the gray tom's muzzle like a camouflage stain.

"What are your orders Blossomstar?" Vultureclaw growled. Patchfur could see the big tabby flexing his claws experimentally, as if planning to strike someone down.

"We need to stop the battle immediately. Try not to get involved in the fighting any of you."

Patchfur felt Nightrose brush against him. She was freshly groomed, her dark fur lying flat as her tail twitched in the air. Her brown eyes were scouring the battle field much like his own. "We could try circling around the group. Force them all into the middle so we can get the attention of the leaders easily?"

Blossomstar's ears twitched. "Do you think that could work? Patchfur?"

He felt pleased to be the one asked for confirmation, while Nightrose seemed please the HunterClan leader was actually taking her idea into consideration. Patchfur could see why Nightrose thought this plan was a good idea. There was just one hitch, which Petalfall voiced. She was among the patrol along with Honeybee, Specklefoot, Junipernose, Badgerstripe, Ashwhisker, Smokepaw and Stripepaw. The two apprentices had their fur fluffed up in excitement. They had yet to understand the true troubles of war.

"But what about Vinestar? I don't see her anywhere."

"Hmm, maybe she's not here?" Smokepaw suggested.

"Yea right. A leader not being at a momentous battle, you must have bees in your brain." Stripepaw teased her brother.

"That's true, I don't see her either." Badgerstripe nodded. Belatedly, Patchfur wondered what's the black and white tom would think if he knew he was dating Arrowheart. The first time he'd met the badger furred warrior, the tom had made it clear he could care less for Downworlders. Since arrival to HunterClan camp however, Badgerstripe had remained oddly silent towards him. Perhaps he was just waiting for the other mouse to drop. "Do you think she's hiding somewhere?"

"Silly HunterClan. Turn around and you'll see where I am."

Patchfur and the others turned to see Vinestar sitting on the top of a gnarled tree root. The ginger she-cat had been washing her paws if the damp fur there was anything to go by. When he was young, Patchfur remembered being unnerved by just how calm the FaerieClan leader was about everything. Nowadays he found her behavior staged. This is just what she wants us to think. Despite their inability to lie, faeries are expert manipulators.

"Vinestar! Why aren't you fighting with your Clan?" Blossomstar asked.

"It's probably because she's a coward." Ashwhisker growled under his breath.

Nightrose shot the gray tom a glare to shut his mouth. "Shut up. That's a Clan leader you're insulting." She snarled lowly.

If Vinestar noticed the exchange she did not mention it as her lips curved into a wry smile. "What brings you HunterClan cats here? Sticking your noses in business you said you'd stay out of is poor form."

"We never said that." Junipernose tilted his head in confusion.

"Just like I know you haven't said a lot of things. Hmm Junipernose." Vinestar smiled. It was a dangerous look he'd seen only a few times before. Still, Patchfur found himself more confused by the way Junipernose looked away, like he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't have.

"Let's cut to the chase shall we Vinestar. Frostfang—"

Vultureclaw was cut off. "Yes yes, I know the Circle are the ones behind the missing prey. Don't you realize who your talking to? I assume you came here to stop the fighting and gather reinforcements." Vinestar said.

"And if we did, would you help us?" Patchfur asked.

Vinestar smiled, her tail curling behind her, "Yes, I would." And then the FaerieClan leader leaps up into the tree behind them, scrambling to stand on top of the branch in view of the battle below. "Everyone! Listen to what HunterClan has to say!"

Her voice was f that much louder than the ordinary volume, but it still was able carry across the battlefield. All the cats looked to her, event the ones in the midst of fighting. Patchfur zoned in on Wishstar out of the large crowd. His former leader had blood dribbling down his muzzle, though he doubted it was his own. Cricketstar was also nearby, as was Twigflight. Her white hind paws were stained with blood but her blue eyes remained bright.

Vinestar beckoned for Blossomstar to join her. The HunterClan leader shared a look with Vultureclaw before lunging up to join the FaerieClan leader. The branch dipped under the weight of two full grown cats, but eventually settled back down.

"Cats of the Clans. You're battle is not among one another. Frostfang and the rest of the Circle are at the frozen river. They are here to cause unspeakable harm and it is up to us to stop them!" Blossomstar shouted out the words so her voice would carry.

"Is she serious?" One cat whispered. He was a white tom with ginger chest fur. Isn't he Hopfoot?

"Can't you see we're in the middle of a fight!?" Poppyleaf snarled. She was standing beside her apprentice Puddlepaw. Slitherclaw was across from them, some of his flank fur missing.

Cricketstar and Wishstar glanced at one another. Patchfur willed the leaders to be smart and end the fighting. Eventually, Cricketstar spoke up. "If this is true, then the cats of FangClan will give you aid."

Wishstar dipped his head. "And MagicClan will as well."

"Good. Then let's get going."

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant