Chapter 9: Unwarranted Assault Aka when The Malec Ship sails

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A/N: Hey guys! So, I think this chapter is going to be pretty unique in terms of who it'll be focused on, but never fear! There'll be Malec moments this chapter too. And lots and lots of Goldenclaw. Enjoy!

******Jemsong's POV******

Brother Zachariah drops the catmint he was holding in a storage nook, the tantalizing smell warming up his entire body. Silent Brothers were numbed in feelings, yet something as inane as catmint could still make the primal part of them act up. It made him still feel like a regular cat, even if that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Only a few things made Jemsong feel alive anymore, and one of the most important of those was the cat he'd wanted to mate. Tessa, a warlock Shadowhunter hybrid was the she-cat he loves more than anyone in the world. At one point in time, she'd bore a warrior name, back when his parabatai still walked the earth. He'd long since passed though, so he hardly saw her anymore except their yearly meetings.

Will we ever get to be together, my love? Or am I destined for a life of loneliness and brotherhood for the rest of my life? The latter part of that wasn't so bad, the other brothers had been nothing but kind to him aside from a few scathing remarks. It was the former he was worried about. He'd like to say that he accepted this lifestyle he unwillingly chose, but that would be a bold faced lie.

+ Brother Zachariah, are you finished storing the catmint yet? I need some help spreading out these comfrey leaves to dry.+ Brother Phillip's voice called from the other side of the storage area. Both toms were currently stationed in the hollowed out part of an ancient Magnolia tree. The herb scent here was heady, especially since it was the place that a majority of their catmint was stored.

+ Yes, I'll be right over.+ He looks over the stashed nettle like leaves of the catmint before heading over to Phillip. The ground flooring was smooth here, the Silent Brothers having cleared out any prickly roots and spindly vines long ago. Soft peat was laid out in its place, the rich earthy tones of it canceling out the overwhelming tantalizing scents of catmint.

Reaching Phillip's side, he began to pick up the clumps of comfrey leaf stacked beside the speckled yellow tom. Phillip gave him a nod of Thanks as together they spread the damp leaves out by the entrance of the den. The Silent Forest is filled to the brim with herbs for any Shadowhunter to have at their disposal.

For the most part, the Brothers only helped out in a true emergency so they weren't called upon too often by the respective HunterClans of the world. That didn't stop them from constantly restocking however, as the Silent Brothers has the odd habit of taking in sick strays and nursing them back to health.

+ Why were these leaves wet in the first place?+ Zachariah asks his friend.

+ Brother Shaw fell into a puddle on his way home. He did not see the root he tripped on.+ Phillip tells him. Zachariah didn't need to hear amusement in his friend's toneless thought projection, he could see it in the twitching of his whiskers.

+ I wish I would've seen it. Not much of anything interesting happens here. + He murmurs.

Phillip ears angled at the entrance to the Silent Forest off in the distance. The Walk of Bones wasn't the path that the Silent Brothers used when going somewhere. Instead, they'd use the standing portal in the back of the forest. The last cats who'd walked it had been here a little over a moon ago now.

Jemsong couldn't help but be reminded of himself and his parabatai Stormwind (Will) when he saw the newest pair. Goldenclaw had the personality of his dear friend; Arrowheart had the looks of Stormwind. Both of the two young warriors melded together perfectly, just as he and Stormwind had.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now