Chapter 5: Sharing News

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*****Arrowheart's POV*****

He paced outside Blossomstar's den, waiting for her to let him into her den. Sparkpaw sat not far from him, grooming a ginger paw with soft laps of her tongue. With Vultureclaw as deputy now, the dark brown tabby limited who could visit Blossomstar with a watchful eye. He wasn't sure if this has to do with the powerful tom being suspicious Arrowheart and the others were on to him or not, but regardless it was annoying.

This scrutiny didn't effect him too badly though. His former mentor always welcomed Arrowheart to come talk to her at anytime. That did not mean that he didn't have to wait sometimes; however, as other cats were permitted to speak to their leader too.

He was relieved to see Palenose clamber down from the cave, her belly softly swaying. The she-cat is expecting Specklefoot's kits, so she was now confined to staying in camp for the most part, until her kits were born. The pale warrior was dragging the remains of a squirrel with her. There was a decent amount of meat hanging off it, letting him know she'd be keeping it to finish later.

Arrowheart nodded to Palenose as she passed, the warrior dipping her head in acknowledgement. Once she was gone, Sparkpaw got to her paws and followed her mentor off the trail to get pass the den entrance to Blossomstar. The vines over the cave opening were beginning to wither, signs of frost bite clinging onto to the tender green plants.

Pale fall light entered through the den opening, cascading light into even the darkest corners of the room. Arrowheart paid the drawings of the runes no mind, but Sparkpaw gazed at them in wonder. Idly he recalled this was likely the first time his apprentice had seen the runes. He was pleased she has the same reaction he did, the drawings truly were something else. They told tales of times long forgotten, ancient lessons that all the clan leaders carried with them.

Blossomstar was sitting at the center of the den, grooming her tail fur clean. A few scraps of golden brown fur were scattered around her. The woody scent of them were that of the plump squirrel Palenose had been carrying with her earlier. The two she-cats must've been sharing a meal.

"Hello Arrowheart, Sparkpaw, what brings you two to my Den." Blossomstar said, her amber eyes focused on them with interest.

"Blossomstar, it's good to see you. There's something we need to tell you." Blossomstar tilted her head at him. She leaned her head forward to focus just on Arrowheart.

"Is this about the trip to the Moon Stone? Have you heard anything else?" She asked him. Sparkpaw watches the exchange, her ears perked curiously. The trip to to High Stones had been so long ago, he honestly hadn't thought much about it. Everything had been happening so fast at the time, and he just hadn't processed it yet. The idea that StarClan had wanted to talk to him, a mere apprentice at the moment, was just so bizarre.

He shook his head. "No, I haven't heard anything from them again. But I think Sparkpaw received a message from them about WolfClan. Sparkpaw, tell her what you told me." Sparkpaw nodded, telling Blossomstar every detail of her dream. When she was finished, Blossomstar sat back on her haunches, her expression thoughtful.

"So you believe WolfClan has disappeared through a tunnel of sorts and if we go through it, we can find WolfClan?" The leader asked Sparkpaw.

Sparkpaw nodded. "Yes, I think so. So, are we going to go after them then?" She asked. Arrowheart watched with bated breath, curious as to what Blossomstar's answer would be. If Sparkpaw is right, and I'm certain she is, then we can find'll be a step in the right direction. His mind grimly reminded him that there would be several more steps that needed to be taken before things could truly return back to normal.

"I think you're on to something, but I won't make my decision yet. The Gathering is tonight, and I'd like to hear what the other leaders have to say first. They may also want to help bring WolfClan home." Blossomstar said. Sparkpaw looked like she wanted to argue, her jaws opening to protest waiting a minute longer.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora