Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream

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Two weeks later...

****Simon's POV****

There was a certain stiffness to his limbs as he woke up that morning. The nest of woven moss and feathers was scattered somewhat, a lone brown feather resting on his nose. It produced a tickling sensation as he let out a breath, causing him to let out a sneeze. Simon groans into the open air at the sniffles that follow. There are no birds tweeting outside. This made it likely that the gusts of cold wind woke him. The winds were so powerful that he could hear them whistling in his ears like a noise akin to what an angry human would make at the box with shiny pictures that always flashed.

He stretches sleepily, letting out a rather large yawn that would reveal his sharp white fangs to any onlooker if they were standing over him. "Ugh!" Simon blinks away the bleariness out of his eyes. "What time is it anyways."

"Well since you so kindly asked, it's midday actually."


Simon yelps at the surprise of a random cat standing over him. No longer feeling tired, the tabby shoots up from his nest with a few feathers getting knocked up into the air as a result. With no bird attached to them, they float back onto the ground in tilting spirals. As it would turn out, the cat who was watching him turned out to be Blossomstar. The HunterClan leader was sitting calmly. She had not reacted at all to Simon's surprised outburst, nor was she unnerved by his pristine fangs that were fully on display.

"Thank StarClan you're finally awake. I know vampires are more nocturnal in nature, but sleeping 'til midday is just a tad ridiculous." Blossomstar observes.

Her light brown tabby tail curls neatly over her front paws, obscuring them from view. Simon briefly wonders if the claws there were unsheathed. I hardly doubt she'd need them to be, Blossomstar could probably take me down without a single claw. Maybe that thought should have unnerved him, but Simon could care less.

"Uh, I didn't realize I'd slept that late. Sorry. I guess I just was really tired." He tells her in earnest.

"Hmm, never mind that. I have something important to tell you." Blossomstar says in a serious tone that makes him straighten up even more. He'd only ever heard the Clan leader use that voice during Clan meetings, so he knew that whatever she had to say really was a big deal.

"And what would that be?" He inquires.

"I've waited for Cricketstar to give his response about whether or not he wanted you in his clan." She begins slowly.

"Oh! So did he say yes or..."

If Simon was being honest, he didn't want to go live in FangClan. The few vampires he had met before had been less than friendly towards him, making him want to avoid them at all costs. The same now went for the faire cats, that had also left a bad taste in his mouth. Of course, his feelings would likely improve with time, but he still did not want to go. Even if my best friend betrayed me, at least I'm decently comfortable with everyone here. HunterClan is hospitable for the most part, even if there are a few bad eggs.

"He said no. Unsurprisingly, FangClan doesn't want anything to do with a cat sired by Venomfang. Not one bit." Blossomstar murmurs.

"Okay then. So....what happens with me then?" Simon feels afraid to ask. Just because FangClan didn't accept me doesn't mean that HunterClan has to, he reminds himself.

"Well, back in the day HunterClan wouldn't tolerate stray vamps, so the solution would be to give you a quick death." That sends a flash of terror through him. If his heart still beat, Simon knew it would be shaking madly in his chest. Blossomstar notices the fear in his expression, and she places a reassuring paw on his flank. It runs through the fur there in a soothing gesture that was an odd mimicry to what his mother had done for him back when he was young. This had always calmed him down majorly, dispersing the worries in his heart. "But don't worry Simon, that isn't the case now."

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें