"I have to go look for them. There's this thing we're working on and I'm sure they'll be worried about me." I said, putting on my slippers.


"What?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"You're doing it again." He was still sitting down.

"What am I doing?" I asked, leaning on the bed.

"I asked you what's going on and you don't want to answer me. I thought we moved passed it, can you just sit down and explain everything to me? Please!" He looked like he wanted to cry but I didn't know if I trusted him enough to spill my guts to him.

"Fine. We've been receiving threats from this unknown number, the person wants us to get who killed Kay Kay unless he or she reveals some things that people are not supposed to know about us." I said, biting my lips and looking at me. I couldn't read the expression on his face. He looked really indifferent and then he laughed. "What's funny?"

"The fact that you're acting like Kay Kay. Kay Kay was receiving these same threats and then she kept them to herself but she told me everything the night she got killed. She was killed before we could find out who it was. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" William asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"I didn't think you needed to know and that is why I need to find the girls. They may be in danger and I'm not even bluffing, this person is a psycho and I'm really scared." For the first time, I was nearly crying in front of William. He stood up from the chair and gave me a bear hug. We stayed that way for a while before we pulled away.

"We'll find the person and I know you're smart too. Let's go look for the girls." We both left the school hospital together, the sky was already pretty dark and I knew it almost time for light's out.

The first place on my mind was our spot, that was the only place I knew they could be. I turned to look at William who was really deep in thoughts.

"I think I can take it from here, don't worry about me please. I'll be fine." I said, then tip toed to give him a peck on his cheek. I was about to walk away and he held my hand, pulling me to him and then he bent down to kiss me. I pulled away almost as soon as it started and then I walked away from him.

I stumbled on a stone on my way and I tripped and bruised my knee. I didn't even stop to check if I was bleeding, I just kept running. I got to our spot, I wasn't hearing their voices and my anxiety increased.

I was trying to catch my breath, I tried opening the door but it wasn't opening. I tried again but nothing, till I found the key at the mouth of the door. I turned it and the door finally opened.

I got in and found the girls on the bed, they all looked surprised to see me, Derin was with her tab in her hand, the twins were holding themselves.

"What's going on?" I asked, closing the door behind me.

"We thought we lost you. We saw William carrying you and we became scared." Derin said, hugging me.

"Why will you be scared if he was the one carrying me? He only took me to the school's clinic." I said, sitting down on the chair.

They all looked at themselves and then looked at me.

"Because we feel he's the one threatening us. He kind of has a reason to you know? His cousin was killed." I shook my head, I refused to believe anything like that would happen.

William wouldn't do that kind of thing to us. "Why would you guys say that? How's that even possible?"

Our tabs all beeped and we all made move to grab them. I gasped when I saw what was on it. This wasn't an anonymous message or anything, it was Will and I's picture of us in the clinic, kissing.

The caption read: looks like the school's Virgin Mary isn't really a virgin.

"Now you guys have the answer, would William really leak a picture of him kissing me?" I dropped my tab on the table in anger.

Derin was about to speak but was cut off by the beeps of our tabs. "What now?" Ziora hissed.

Time is almost up girls! Let's try this again, I need the killer of Kay Kay in the next 48 hours and nice kissing position Zara, can you teach me that sometime?

"Asshole!" I hissed.

So how was it? Hope y'all enjoyed it. Writing the kissing scene felt so weird. I just wanted you guys to have that moment with William and Zara.

Please don't forget to vote and comment and share too. Thanks guys.

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