Wondering What Could Have Been... (ENDING #2)

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You thought that eventually, Lucifer would have let Jack come see you. That Jack would have had some kind of plan to escape him, and he'd come home to his family. To you.

But even after a month, it never happened.

Sam, Dean, and Mary had nearly given up on finding him.

Castiel was still gone, hopefully still searching.

You'd been praying on evidently deaf ears to Lucifer. 

Of course he wouldn't listen to you. He was a selfish bastard, as everyone liked to point out.

After it hit month number four, you finally stood up in the study as everyone was tirelessly working on their laptops.

"(Y/N)?" Dean looked up.

"I'm done," you said numbly. "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore."

Sam frowned. "We'll find him, (Y/N), I swear. Or he'll come to us. It just-"

"No. I don't think we will," you looked to Sam with tears forming in your eyes. "He's not coming back, Sam."

Dean mirrored Sam's frown. "Don't lose hope yet. Why don't you just get some sleep-"

"All I've done is sleep, Dean. And cry, and slowly lose my mind," you sighed, blinking the tears away. "I need to go home."

"You are home... You're with your family..." Sam said sadly.

"Every time I look at you guys, all I can think is, this family's not complete without Jack," you admitted. "I'm sorry, but I can't be here anymore. I need to leave."

And so, you packed your bags, and left your brothers, back to your hometown. Back to an empty house and bad memories.

At least you had some normalcy and friends to try to help you forget, right?

After the first year, just for a little, you hoped that maybe since you were alone, Jack would try to come see you.

But inevitably, he didn't. 

Sam and Dean had come to visit from time to time. You got less sad every time you saw them. 

Five years in, you were in a relationship with your old friend Alex. 

He'd helped you a lot, in dealing with the loss of your mother, your feelings about your brothers.

He was good for you. 

You knew, in the back of your mind, you didn't truly love him. You wouldn't love anyone like you loved Jack. But you had to learn to.

Seven years in, you were married to Alex.

Sam and Dean had come to the wedding. They'd visited more frequently.

You were happier to see your brothers now. They were equally as happy for you, that you had a normal, content life.

You sold your mother's old house. It saddened you a bit to do so, but you had to move on from that.

You had a home with Alex, and a great job. As great of a job as you could get in your small town, you supposed.

You got pregnant with your first child. It was a girl. You named her Lavender, after your mother.

You were convinced that you were happy. You thought of Jack every once in a while, but the thoughts were fleeting.

Ten years in, you'd had two children now. Lavender and John. Both named after your parents. You thought it was nice, and they were fitting names for your eccentric children.

Alex was the coach for the local high school football team.

You were the writer for an online news column. It paid well, and you enjoyed writing.

Sam and Dean visited every other month. They'd tell you about their latest hunts. They'd stopped talking about Jack years earlier. They knew it hurt you too much to mention.

You'd rarely think of Jack. When you did, the thoughts would immediately disappear. Just ghosts of memories... 

One night, after your children were asleep, you decided to have a movie night with your husband.

Alex looked through a box of old DVDs.

"Hey, what about this one. It's been ages since I've seen this!" He held the movie up to you.

It was 50 First Dates.

Your heart dropped into your stomach. But you put on a smile.

"Yeah, it's been forever."

You made popcorn and your husband set up the movie.

You sat on the couch, with his arm around you, eating popcorn and watching the movie.

All the memories of Jack came flooding back as the movie ended, and you were in tears, like you had been every time you'd watch that movie.

"You okay, babe?" Alex squeezed your hand.

"Yeah," you laughed humorlessly, wiping the tears off your cheeks. "It just gets me every time."

"Want to head to bed?" He got up.

"I will in a moment. I think I'm going to have a glass of wine and get some fresh air."

He kissed your cheek. "See you upstairs."

You grabbed your glass of wine and walked out onto your front porch, out into the crisp evening air.

You sat down on the bench, staring out into the night.

You could think of nothing but Jack at the moment. How he was doing, if he thought of you, if he was even still alive.

You sighed shakily as tears threatened to spill again.

"I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're still out there, but I never got to tell you, Jack, that I loved you. I just had to say it, finally get it off my chest," you said out loud, to the still night air. "I just needed that closure. So, there, I loved you."

As you finished your glass of wine, you spent the next few moments, wondering what could have been with him, how happy and carefree he made you feel, what kind of life you could have had if he was still with you.

Sure, he never would have grown old with you, but you didn't think he'd care much about that, and you wouldn't have either. You just would have been genuinely happy to be with him, to be in his life, to have a family.

But there was no use in dwelling on that, on making yourself feel sad about it. That was years ago. You'd moved on.

Surely, he had too.

And in the distance...

Jack stood watching you, hidden in the trees. 

Tears dropped down his cheeks silently.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

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