You're My Home (ENDING #1)

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You, your brothers, and Mary had been tirelessly searching for any clue of Lucifer or Jack for a week.

Castiel had been traveling, talking to the few angels that were left to see if they'd seen Lucifer and Jack, and searching for any sign of them in major cities.

Sam slammed his laptop closed, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

You frowned as you stared at your exhausted brothers and Mary. "Why don't you all get some sleep? You haven't slept in days."

Dean smiled tiredly. "We're fi-"

"She's right. We're not going to find Jack if we're not fully all there," Mary said.

"Yeah, I'm the only one who seems to be getting any sleep around here. Go, I'll be fine," you added reassuringly.

Mary gave you a side-hug and your brothers gave you kisses on the top of your head before heading off to their rooms to sleep.

You sighed and headed to the kitchen.

You made a cup of tea and sat down on one of the barstools, staring off into nothing.

You took a deep, shaky breath. "I know this is still stupid, but if you can hear me, Lucifer, please bring Jack back to me. If you have any shred of love in your heart for that sweet boy, at least let me see him, just once."

You'd been praying to Lucifer this entire week. Castiel had told you angels could hear prayers, so you'd been trying hopelessly to get him to hear you. Of course, you wouldn't know if he'd heard or not.

Unless he brought Jack back. Which hadn't happened as of yet, and you weren't sure it ever would.

--With Lucifer and Jack (Jack's POV)--

Lucifer lied down, relaxed on a lounge chair.

We were on a beach somewhere in Fiji. It was probably the tenth place we'd gone to since I've been with him.

I sat, bored, under an umbrella, mindlessly flipping through the pages of a book.

"Oh, c'mon, son. Go swim with the dolphins, get a tan... have fun!" Lucifer implored, staring at me through his sunglasses.

I shot him a silent look, then went back to reading my book.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "You know, most people would be ecstatic that they've been around the world in a week. At least be a little grateful."

"I'm not most people. I can't have fun here. Not if I'm around you," I retorted.

He smirked. "Oh, I know what it is. You miss your girl."

I bit the inside of my cheek.

"She misses you too, you know," he added nonchalantly.

"What?" I looked up.

"Sweet, little sentimental gal has been praying to me all week."

"You're lying."

He crossed his arms. "What reason would I have to lie?"

I stared hard at him.

"Okay, don't answer that." He sat up. "We can still go and snag her... and kill her brothers while we're at it. That is, if you're done being stubborn."

When I offered to go with Lucifer, I admittedly had no plan on how to get back to my family, or how to get rid of him.

For the whole week I'd been with him, I finally came up with an idea.

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