"I'm Sorry... What?!"

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Word Count: 1,028

The silence in the room was deafening. Your half-brothers were tense. The mystery boy who had entered was just confused. And you and Mary were just in shock and at a loss for words.

Mary spoke up first.

"Did you just say your sister? You must be confused..." Was all she responded with.

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He furrowed his brows. 

"After you were gone... dad I guess, briefly did, you know... with someone else, and well, here she is," Dean said as nonchalantly and subtly as possible. 

Mary raised a brow.

"And you're just telling me this now?"

"Mom, we just found out about this yesterday... We didn't know for sure. We- I thought I might want to meet her and confirm it," Sam spoke up, shrugging.

Just when Mary was about to respond, you stood up and rubbed your temples.

"I-I'm sorry. I know this must be a shock for you too, Mrs. Winchester. But I'm just as confused as you are. Didn't you... die?" You looked up at her. 

The room grew silent once again. You couldn't take any more silence. You wanted answers. 

"Well? Was the article about the fire fake? Are you guys secret agents or something, so you had to fake her death? Is John alive too?" The questions came pouring out of you like a waterfall of bewilderment. 

The brothers and Mary just shared flustered looks, not knowing how to answer you. The blue-eyed-boy stood there looking just as confused as you, frowning.

Tears started to form in your eyes, for what seemed like the millionth time just this day. You grabbed your tote bag.

"Okay, I never should have come. If it's so bad you guys can't tell me, then maybe I should just leave-" you began to walk away.

"(Y/N), wait," Sam grabbed your arm, gently tugging you back. "Look, we can explain... It's just... It's going to sound crazy, but just listen."

You hesitated, but you sat back down at the table.

"I'm listening."


After being seated with all four of them at the table, and Sam and Dean explained everything to you, in short, you felt like you were in some kind of prank TV show or a nightmare.

You sat there, face showing no expression, just trying to process it all.

Supernatural creatures? Demons, angels, hell, heaven, Lucifer, God, God's sister? An ALTERNATE DIMENSION?!

"We know it's a lot to take in... and it's unbelievable, but it's all true," Dean stated empathetically.

You shot a frantic look at him.

"Unbelievable? More like insane! I... I can't believe any of this... But then again, your mom was dead..." You trailed off, shaking your head. You stood up out of your chair, running your hands through your (H/C) locks. "What the hell is happening?!"

Mary frowned at you empathetically. 

The mystery boy named Jack finally spoke up.

"I can prove it to you."

Your eyes met his. A million thoughts crossed your mind. What did he mean HE could prove it to you?

He stood up out of his chair. You said nothing. You only watched him carefully.

He picked up a pencil out of a cup and placed it on the table. His blue eyes met your (E/C) ones again. All of a sudden they turned a bright yellow color. You gasped soundlessly. 

He hovered his hand over the pencil and it started to float above the table, right into the air. 

You stared at the floating writing utensil in shock and mild amazement.

"How... What are you?" Was all that left your mouth.

The pencil dropped and his eyes returned to their normal sky-blue color.

You hadn't even noticed the guy in the trenchcoat in the room until he spoke up.

"What's going on?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"I'm half angel, half human. I'm a Nephilim," Jack answered, ignoring Castiel's question. 

"So... This is all real?" You breathed. You could barely keep your balance. 

"Sam, Dean. Again, I'm going to ask. What's going on? Who is this?" Castiel repeated his question, walking up to the group.

Dean scoffed. 

"Cas, this is our half-sister, (Y/N). (Y/N), meet Castiel. He's an angel," Dean retorted, frustrated.

Your eyes now shot to Castiel. Your heart rate increased sporadically and you began to hyperventilate. This was too much. All the things that go bump in the night were real. Even the damn Bible was true. 

And you were about to become a damn cliché and faint. You could feel yourself growing dizzier by the moment. 

"(Y/N), are you okay, sweetie?" Mary asked you, frowning.

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you could feel yourself drop. All you saw after that was darkness.


You woke to the sound of voices nearby. Your eyes fluttered open and you groaned, feeling a dull pain at the back of your head. You were no longer by the table but laying on a couch. You looked up to see Sam, Dean, Jack, Castiel, and Mary looking down at you.

You didn't have amnesia or anything. You remembered everything crystal clear. For some reason, you were more embarrassed about the fact that you fainted like a girl in a cheesy horror movie than you were shocked about everything you'd just witnessed.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam crouched down and laid his hand on your shoulder.

"Uh... define okay," You answered, slowly sitting up, wincing at the pain in your head.

Sam slightly chuckled, standing back up.

"How long was I out?" You asked no one in particular.

"Not long. Maybe 30 minutes," Castiel acknowledged.

"Huh... Look, just so you know, I am not a fainter. Like, that has never happened," you smiled crookedly. "That was rather embarrassing..."

Everyone smiled at your reaction. Especially Jack. His face formed a proper huge grin.

"So you just found out supernatural creatures exist and that's the first thing that comes to mind?" Dean asked you, smirking amusedly. 

You looked up at him. You laughed, brushing a lock of hair out of your face.

"Well, I had my freakout. Obviously. And my mind is still whirling a tad. But, I came here for a reason. To get to know my brothers. I'd still like to do that, with all of you. If you'll have me," you gazed hopefully at the group. 

They all glanced at each other and smiled. You had your answer. 

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