22 • Possession

Start from the beginning


We said bye to my parents and got into Toby's truck. I've learned from experience that it's better to be quiet during these journeys, otherwise it riles Toby up even more and I really can't be bothered to deal with it.

Once we pulled into the parking lot of The Brew, Toby turned to me. "I'm getting coffee. Go upstairs. I'll see you in a minute."

"Whatever." I muttered. He was getting on my damn nerves.

"What did you just say to me Spencer?" asked Toby warningly.

"I said see you up there." I answered. I can't be fucked to fight in the parking lot.

"That's what I thought." said Toby smirking at me. I hate it when he's like this, I want to slap that smug look off his face.

I went upstairs and settled in, taking my shoes and jacket off and sitting on the couch. I pulled my phone out and saw that Alex texted me. "Hey, it was nice to see you earlier. Don't think your boyfriend liked me very much."

I rolled my eyes, Toby probably really intimidated him and he didn't even have a reason to. I replied "Yeah, sorry about that. Toby is a little possessive..."

He replies back quickly. "Never had you down as the bad boy type. Tattoos and leather jacket? What did your parents say about that?"

"Can't say they were thrilled at first." I shot back."But as long as they don't find out about the motorcycle they'll be alright."

Just as I hit send the door opened and slammed shut. I don't bother turning around. If Toby wants to talk he'll talk but I refuse to submit to him like a little bitch.

I heard Toby walking towards me and he threw himself down on the couch next to me.

"I want to talk to you." he said.

"Talk then." I said, not looking up from my phone.

"Don't give me attitude Spencer." Toby said warningly.

"Why not?" I asked, I knew I was seriously stepping on eggshells here but I was sick of it. "You give everyone else attitude."

My phone pings. Fuck. It's probably from Alex.

"Who's that?" asked Toby

"Why do you need to know?" I snapped.

"Why are you being like this?" Toby said, his breath was getting heavier and I knew that I was really riling him up.

"Because I'm sick of it." I said angrily, standing up and dropping my phone on the couch. "You're so jealous all the time. You were rude to Alex today because me and him dated. Newsflash Toby, I barely even fucking knew you when I dated Alex."

"Did you fuck him?" asked Toby in a low voice, getting up too.

"What?" I laughed in disbelief. 

"I said. Did. You. Fuck. Him. Spencer?" he repeated, emphasising every word.

"Oh my God, you're fucking ridiculous. You know what you're the only person I've ever "fucked" as you so nicely put it." I said. I was getting way beyond mad at this point.

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