1: Blue

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Third person pov


Patton hated it.

There was only one reason for that.

And that reason was his soulmate mark. It was blue. Just a royal blue on his arm.

His entire left arm.

He hid it from everyone because of his hate for it. Not even his parents liked it.

They pretended to though.

But that only made Patton hate it even more. He got bullied about his arm ever since he could remember. And he only got bullied because it wasn't normal to have your soulmates mark covering your entire arm.

It was actually a worldwide hated thing. People despised it for some reason, you had to live up to the right standards or else people hated you.

Patton couldn't make sense of that, because why hate it if it's something that nobody can control?

You don't get to choose what your soulmate mark is. It's there from birth and it never changes.

Despite Patton's hate for the color, he wore it nearly everyday, the only reason being that he wanted his soulmate to find him better.

If Patton wore his soulmates favorite color then he would have a better chance of being seen by them.

But he made sure to hide his arm underneath a cardigan or long shirt, sometimes even going as far as wearing a hoodie in the middle of the summer.

He often wondered about his soulmate though.

What kind of a person are they if their favorite thing in the whole universe was blue?

Were they boring? Maybe they were really unique.. not very many people got just colors as their mark, in fact, Patton had never found another person who had only a color.

He frowned when he looked at his clock. It was time to get ready for school.

He didn't have parents to drive him to school anymore. He got kicked out of his house when he was 13 because his parents had told him that they, "don't want a kid like him."

He tried not to think about that. It was a painful memory. He lived in an apartment with some people he met after being kicked out, so there was no point in being sad about his old home.

This was his new home, and that was enough for him, even if the family he lived with now was poor and hardly had food for everyone in the house.

"G'morning, Pat." A tired voice called from his door.

It was Virgil, Patton's (basically) brother. They weren't related in any way but they'd lived together for three years now.

In those three years, Patton had been able to keep his arm hidden from everyone in the house, or, well, apartment.

They all always jokingly tried to guess what his mark was, but he denied every single answer.

Everyone gave up on the guessing after about six months, except for Virgil that is.

"I stayed up all night trying to figure out what your mark is." Virgil yawned.

"Again?! Virgil, this is the fourth night in a row that you've done this! Just give it up, I don't want to be depriving you of sleep just because of some stupid mark on my arm." Patton looked at Virgil concerningly.

"It's fine. I've got enough Monsters for another two weeks." Virgil dismissed.

"Virgil!" Patton exclaimed. "You need to sleep! Right now! I'll tell the school that you got sick. Just, please, sleep. You're making me feel bad.."

It was true. Patton felt horrible every time Virgil stayed up all night just because of his mark.

"Ugh, fine." Virgil started. Patton was about to say something but got stopped by Virgil. "On one condition."

"Oh no." Patton already knew where this was going.

"You have to give me one hint."

Patton hesitated.

"Alright. But this is the only one that you're ever getting." He warned.

Virgil looked at him in shock. He didn't expect Patton to actually give him a hint.

"It has blue on it." Patton smiled, knowing that Virgil would never guess that his mark was literally just blue.

"Oh come on! There's millions of blue things!" Virgil pouted.

"Well at least I narrowed down the answers for you." Patton shrugged. "Now go to bed."

He got up and pushed Virgil out of his room, not knowing if he was mentally ready for today.

At least he moved schools. His last school was full of people who hated him for his arm.

He used to get beat up everyday..

Patton got ready for school then walked his way to it, putting on a fake smile. Just like any other day.


He couldn't let it show.



Word count: 771

Welp, there ya go. First chapter.

I've never written in thrid person, so this was kinda weird-

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