"Did Ralph just go?" He said, which was such a stupid question, or at least Jack thought it was. Obviously Ralph was gone!

There was silence, no answer, making the redhead wonder if people were too afraid to speak, or maybe just didn't want to talk about him.

"Yeah..." a little tiny voice peeped out of one of the younger kids, probably Sam.

"Maybe he's still scared of us." Another little voice said on the other side of the group of survivors.

"He seemed sad to me."

"Why would he be sad? He should be scared."

"Yeah, Jack almost got to kill him until that officer guy showed up!"

"Maybe he's sad Jack tried killing him-"

"Hush!" Eric silenced everyone, then wearily looked around the small crowded room. "You mentioned pig hunting to me..but never the human hunting part...you tried killing Ralph?" His eyes were concerned. Some kids had guilty looks while others were crying again.

The only people who weren't affected by his question were Roger and Jack, both sitting next to each other with blank faces.

Eric sighed, shook his head and brushed his fingers through his bangs before looking at the kids.

"And two dead right? You happened to kill them too didn't you?" He looked at the crowd which had no reply, and the fact that there wasn't a reply was an answer to him.

"Killing humans is not okay. Killing animals is not okay either if you're doing it for fun." He felt that it was his responsibility to teach them that this behavior is not okay at all. "They still have a brain, a heart, they have blood like you do. They have likes and dislikes, they have families, they have feelings and emotions like you do too. Everyone does, even if they are an animal! When you try to hurt them, it makes them scared. If you were once their friend or even some you've worked with, and you try to hurt them, they'll be very sad because they've belived in you and trusted you, but you try to hurt, even kill them. If you really cared about them, liked them, even loved them, and got into an argument or disagreement, violence isn't an answer. There are words. You can simply talk it out. You can share your feelings towards eachother, figure out a way to get things together.."

As Eric started rambling, Jack felt his throat tighten a bit. This has all been just a trip on a boat with realizing what he's done, and making him understand how much he's taken away from Simon, Piggy.. and Ralph, and how much he's hurt him.

"But sir, if you say violence isn't the answer, then why is there a war?" That was Eric who asked.

"Well, kid, some grown ups still don't understand that war won't solve anything. They may gain land, but the lives of dead soldiers that have fought can never be brought back. Sure, they can be replaced with new people, but the old ones are gone. Lost forever. A whole life with memories, personality, is gone like that. We're all just pieces, in this game. The commanders won't cry for dead men, they just replace them. Don't be like that. Don't be the person who starts a war. Who kills. It's cruel." Eric murmured.

Jack wondered if Eric ever killed someone and regretted it. The boy was also slowly starting to regret killing Simon and Piggy, even though he despised that kid.

"Please be better people after this conversation. If you don't like someone, if you hate them, don't hit them, don't kill them, because what for? Use words. If you want to hurt them, use your words, because they hurt very much. Don't ever use your fists or weapons, it's bad." Eric sighed, wondering if these kids even paid attention to what he said. "Ralph isn't in a mood to talk to any of you, probbaly because you've tried to kill him and hurt him. He might never want to talk or even look at any of you again. Just take this as an example, a lesson about others and their feelings. Your actions can ruin someone else's life."

Jack felt his chest hurt at the fact he's mentally hurt Ralph. It was all just happening so quickly at the island, his rage and longing for more power and death was just stalking onto one another. He's always liked Ralph so much, and even after the blonde talked to Piggy and treated him the same way as everyone else, he'd end up silently forgiving the boy a few hours later.. maybe if he just told Ralph how he felt that he wasn't valued, or just felt that he wasn't exactly treated right..maybe Ralph would've done something about it? Ralph said his hunters were just boys with sticks... which honestly really hurt Jack since afterall, he's worked very hard with them to try and catch food.. maybe if he just told Ralph that his words were mean, maybe the fair haired boy would've taken it back? What if.. what if they did solve their arguments with just words.. and were still happy? Still friends?

Jack's eyes were filled with water, making his vision fuzzy. Why did he care so much about Ralph? He's always liked him, his personality was so great, and they just became friends the second they met. What has happened that broke that friendship? Jack knew it was his fault, though he denied it and still blamed it on Piggy and Ralph.. but he's so stubborn. Full of himself. Could he have ever brought the fact that he messed up to Ralph? He could he? He had a high ego.. but.. he'd do anything right now just to at least earn a smile from the fair haired boy.

Jack got up, and walked out of the room, completely ignoring everyone and everything else. He was gonna find Ralph and make things right.

Lmaooo let's see how that's gonna turn out for u Jack

Okok I know I wrote Eric's name with a K and not a C in last chapter but whatever. Also thx 4 reading this lmao. I didn't expect this to get 80 views since this is literally a school book fanfic, or at least its mostly known as one. Ty 4 voting and and reading, it helps a lot with motivation to update.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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