Chapter 16: Old and New

Start from the beginning

Written in both magic language and local language, the document said,


I, Raka, do hereby solemnly swear to honor the Official Secrets Agreement, henceforth called Agreement, as defined by the law of the Nation of Ilmentia. 

I, Raka, do hereby solemnly swear to honor and keep hidden, the informations, items or otherwise classified as Secrets, as defined by the ruler of the Nation of Ilmentia or by another signatory to the Agreement. 

I, Raka, further swear not to disclose the existence of the Agreement, its nature and details to anyone, not a signatory to the Agreement.

The agreement also prohibits mention of the Secrets between signatories unless steps to protect unauthorized or accidental disclosure have been taken and enforced. The agreement is binding and exceptions can only be made by order of the ruler of the Nation of Ilmentia or their authorized representative.

Signed by:

Witnessed by:

Accepted on behalf of the Queen of the Nation of Ilmentia by Sambal, Advisor for Magic to the Queen:


Raka pricked his thumb to draw just a little blood and put it on the paper. Lord Holtimius did the same as the witness. And finally Sambal himself repeated the process imprinting his thumb print.

Just then,


Official Secrets Agreement is in effect.


Raka could understand that what he had just witnessed was a very complex bit of magic. He first thought that this might be the curse magic Lady Verina had talked about before. But he threw that thought out. Curse magic as Lady Verina had said, required great amounts of energy and focus, even with the help of a magical object. The agreement, even though a complex bit of magic, was performed instantly. And as far as he could understand, the other five people in the room were signatories so this couldn't be curse magic. Maybe some other explanation is there which he will have to discover.

Raka moved his thoughts to the back however, as he saw Sambal making the paper disappear with another wave of his hand, and then resuming to fill water in the basin. Having done that, Sambal waved his hands on the water. The water stuck to his hands like a glove. He then moved on to one of the mirrors on the wall and touched it. The water flowed from his hand on to the mirror. He whispered something softly and the water shimmered. And then, slowly something started appearing in the mirror.

It was Lady Verina who looked back from the mirror. She looked around at everyone present.

"Greetings Sambal, Lord Holtimius, General. Do I see Emilius and Maltus as well...! Nice to meet you!"

"Raka! WHAT are you doing here?" She started a loud exclamation but controlled herself midway apparently.

Raka simply smiled sheepishly. He hadn't spoken to her since the graduation ceremony. Remembering that, he blushed. Lady Verina, who was staring at him....suddenly blushed as well. Raka felt the others were confused at this exchange, but no way in hell was Raka about to offer an explanation.

"Hello Verina," Sambal spoke scattering the discomforting atmosphere which had developed. "How are the preparations?"

"Ye...yes, the is completed. Altia reports that she and her company are ready to move at a moments notice. How are preparations at your end?"

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