Prolouge: Before John

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Deep in the ocean there was beauty in everything. The fish, the coral, the miles of vast blue nothing. Calm and peaceful as it was, there was still so much yet to be discovered. So much of the ocean has yet to be seen. Maybe even things the human world has yet to think of. Legends of all sorts have been written that could live in the ocean. But nothing has been confirmed.

But deep in the ocean swimming free and wild is the most beautiful creature, that humans thought were just nothing but legends.
Mer-people are what you would expect, yes half fish and half human of coarse. Beautiful and powerful yes obviously. But most live in the deepest parts of the waters of the earth. But this story is following one particular mermaid.

This mermaid swims free in the ocean. Not tied down to responsibilities, no family, but even though she's alone she's seen so much. The beauty the vast ocean in her eyes is nothing but untapped potential. She's explored the deepest caverns, found treasure of all shapes and sizes, and has gotten to see so many beautiful places all over the world. She often wondered what humans were like up close.

Of coarse she knew some where different then others. So being cautious was something she learned very quickly. That being said she has had her share of close calls. With humans being touchy subjects it was normally very hard to tell who were kind and who were dangerous. So she mostly stayed away.

Long night swims were her most favorite thing in the world. Because luminescent fish would come out and the shinning silver moon made everything more and more beautiful. Sometimes she would find shallows and just lay on the sand watching the moon and stars. Collecting shells to make into hair accessories was her favorite thing to do. But her blue pearls were the only things that she would wear everyday.

One night while our lil mermaid was swimming she had just been chased off after trying to steal a fisherman's catch. Hungry and exhausted she had been swimming for miles with no breaks. Yawning and watching to rest she finally finds a spot to rest. Moving the small rocks and shells out of the way and smoothing the sand down she lays her head against the large rock as a pillow and quickly fell to sleep. The night soon fell to day and the sun shone through the ocean, not enough to wake her but just enough to make the ocean brighter to see.

On the surface of the ocean a boat comes up and throws out a fishing net to get its catch of the day. Not even feeling the next at all our mermaid was swept up into it along with other fish. The fisherman was wondering why the catch was heavier then usual but thought nothing of it as he made his way back to the docks. The sound of fisherman screaming "fresh fish!", didn't stir our mermaids slumber. Nothing seemed to wake her, the exhaustion seemed to have gotten to her.

The fisherman that picked her up soon tied his boat back to the dock. He left shortly after to make his rounds.

After a few hours he soon returned to check his catch. But before he knew it his life was forever changed.

Because was he saw that he had caught was no ordinary fish. Something far more precious and far more beautiful was now in his possession.

And this is where our love story begins.

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