Chapter Two: There's a Mer-Person in My Tub!

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In a some what small bathroom made of white tiles, sits a white ordinary bathtub. But something inside is most defiantly not ordinary.

John comes back with a metal bowl filled with water, he's hoping it's the last bit his new friend will need to be comfortable. As he pours it in his new friend watches his movements with a smile. "Okay...." "That good enough?" John asks the mermaid. The mermaid nods smiling. John claps his hands together to indicate a job well done.

"Sorry if it's not as quite salty as your used to", he says. The mermaid looks at him with a kind smile, "it's ok". John lets out a shaky um and takes off his hat. "Anyway um" he leans over the edge of the tub looking the mermaid in her eyes. "I know this is all very jarring..and..I'm sorry you..had to..end up in my tub", he says scratching his head.

The mermaid says it's quite alr- but John continues, "I know this isn't the best of circumstances either um probably not the weirdest thing to happen to you tho huh being a...mer-person". John shakes his head and puts a hand on his forehead the mermaid smiles more as he talks. He scratches his head and slaps his hands on the edge of the tub in disbelief. "We'll.....we are gonna figure this out um I noticed you have a lot of bruising on your tail from the net", John explains. The mermaid agrees and winces a bit as she looks at her beautiful blue tail covered in bruising.

"Um and" he exhales "i...if you wanna rest here for a while you know can". John's offer was very kind the mermaid was happy to be taken care of so nicely. John continues, "there's  no predators here and know one hardly comes to my shop anyway so", his scratches his head once more. A habit his new mermaid friend will remember. She says thank you for his kindness towards her.

As he lets out a shallow breath he looks into her eyes. Noticing how beautiful she truly was, so much so that his mouth says something before his mind can register what he just said. "Your very pretty", John says. The mermaid smiles shyly turning her head slightly being a bit bashful. John shakes his head and spouts a few words not really forming any sentences, "uh ah uh".

The mermaid smiles happily at his shyness as he slaps his hand on the edge of the tub again.

A few days have come and went his mermaid notices a few things. One being habits he does on a daily basis like scratching his head or being shy around her. Others being he leaves early in the morning and doesn't return until around noon. She had no idea what was the cause of that behavior only that it happened daily. She didn't think to ask the first time it happened.

But now grows curious of this action and has many questions.
"Where is he going?"
"What is he doing?"
"Will he return?"
Those only being the safest things that come to mind. But as she grows more comfortable there she soon figures it can't hurt to ask him questions. He's asked so many from her. What harm could come to her. She knew none would.

John Wilkins is a kind man. He didn't have to help her when she was tangled in the net. He could of simply killed her, sold her for money, or keep her to make himself famous or rich. And she knew those weren't his motives. His spirit was kind.

He was very generous to help her when he didn't need to. So the mermaid decided the next time John comes home she would ask questions of her own.

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