Chapter Six: "I'm home! You....You Have Human Legs?!"

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It was a long day of fishing for John today's catch was I think trout. Though keeping up with what John caught on which day seem to get easier. But normally he would surprise her with something he wasn't expecting to catch. Much like how having her in his boat for the first time wasn't planned. But he was happy to have her all the same.

"Pisces! I'm home", said John as he made his way upstairs to the bathroom where she normally would be. Today however was a day unlike the others before. Today instead of a tail..Pisces now has human legs. There she lay with her hair over her chest, her legs stretched out, and a smile on her face. "Welcome home" She said as he entered the room.

John pent down next to the tub wrapped in his own thoughts like usual. "God you would not believe the amount of...rope burn I got today", he said as he rubbed the new found rope burns on his arms. Cracking his right knuckles. Pisces curious to see leans closer, "oh?". As she did John looked up.

Not only wasn't he expecting trout to bite today of all days, but more importantly what Pisces had done was even more shocking. John stood quick to quick in fact almost falling into the sink, "you got legs". He said as he braced himself against the sink. "You've got human...", he babbled as he tilted his head in confusion. Pisces looked at her new legs confused herself, was he shocked? Mad? Upset? Happy? She couldn't really tell.

"You've got human legs", John repeated as he crouched against the sink still in shock. Pisces nodded but was puzzled, "yea?". John still crouched put his hands on his head getting more confused by the second.
"What happened?"
"I was gone for", John looked at his hand and around the bath. Probably thinking she shed off her tail.

No such luck. No tail to be seen. As he looked Pisces started snickering to herself amused by John and his actions. "You could do that the whole time?", John asked. Pisces nodded, "yea". John to his own disbelief laid his arm over the edge of the tube then continued, "And yous...", he began getting more frustrated this time scrunching his face in the most adorable way.

Hitting the edge of the tub and leaning in, "but why didn't you earlier then?", He asked. Pisces still amused with his reactions. Her smiled grew wider as she playfully answered him, "more fun". John scoffed, "more fun?". He drew back his hand on his face. Pisces was so giddy with all his reactions that her smile was from ear to ear.

John smacked the side of the tube, "Pisces". He playfully hissed. Pisces leaning back in the tub could not stop smiling. John with an exaggerated sigh soon smiled and looked at her happy again. Until he saw something more shooting then legs on a mermaid.

A naked woman.

More so it was Pisces that was naked with nothing but her long hair covering her chest. "Your naked", John spoke quickly and soon covered his eyes. Pisces was confused all the same again not really understanding what he meant by your naked. John soon sat on the floor of the bathroom eyes still covered, while Pisces looked at her new found self not seeing anything wrong. Johns left arm on the edge of the tub, "Nope I'm fine it's just your..your naked", soon enough johns left hand was covering his eyes with his right arm reached for a towel.

"And well um", he gives her the towel and asks her to cover up before standing. Pisces did and stood slowly. First time ever being on legs was weird. John soon helped her out of the tub and took her into another room. Keeping his eyes elsewhere he started rummaging for cloths for her to wear.

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