"Veronica and Cheryl." 

I see her eyes widen and her mouth shape into an 'O'. I laugh at that, and walk over so I can sit in front of her. I hop up on the desk and look at her. She stares back at me expectantly and I cough nervously.

"So you have use of everything in this room, and can write in whatever style you prefer. I would like if you ran topics by me first just so I know what we are gonna be publishing. Other than that, I'm just here to help edit if you need it, and offer advice. I'm not sure you're gonna need a lot of that though because you are really good at writing." A tint of red creeps up her neck and to her cheeks, and I grin when I see that.

"Okay. Thank you again for the offer. I really- really appreciate it." She keeps her gaze on the ground by her shoes, and I just shrug at her thanks. Silence fills the room and the only sound that can be heard is the sound of the wind howling outside the window.

"Well I should be going. I don't want my mom to worry." Betty says to break the ice.

"Do you need a ride home?" I offer, and I see her look up at me wide-eyes.

"Um yeah that'd be uh great actually. As long as you don't mind." I shake my head rapidly.

"No of course not. How could I mind giving a gorgeous girl a ride home?" It's not till the words leave my lips that I realize what I said. I watch her bite her lip and she blushes again. I jump off the desk and hold out my hand for you to take. She takes it and I lace our fingers together as I help her out of the chair. She slings her backpack over her shoulder and together we leave the school. It's not till I go to get her in the car, that I see our hands are still intertwined. I reluctantly let go and help her into my truck. I go over to the other side and slide into the driver's seat. I start the car, and pull out of the parking lot. We don't talk the whole way to her house, but the silence is comfortable. I admire someone who doesn't always feel the need to fill silence and just talk on and on. 

After a couple minutes I am sat in front of her house, and I turn the car off. Betty doesn't make any move to get out so I decide to make the move.

"So Betty... I know this might seem sudden but I was wondering if you wanted to maybe- um  you'd want to have dinner with me?" I fiddle with my hands that are laying in my lap, and turn to look at her. She is staring at me with a surprised look on her face, but she also has this faint look of happy flittering on her face.

"I'd love that. How about you pick me up here tomorrow at 8." A huge grin breaks open on my face and I nod rapidly. Betty just stares at my expression and giggles. She reaches to open her door, but before she gets out she leans over and lightly kisses my cheek. She hops out of the car and gives me one last smile before running up her driveway and into her house. I pump my fists in there and give an excited shout. I'm going on a date with Betty Cooper. BETTY COOPER. I drive to the Southside, and the whole time there is a smile on my face I can't seem to get rid of. 

-Next day at School-

I walk into school with a little hop in my step, as I replay the events of last night. I haven't been able to get her out of my head, and trust me I have no problem with that. I open the door of my locker and grab my necessary books for my first couple classes. I don't even look at anyone else in the halls as I scan to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face. I hurry over to science so I have time to talk to Betty before class starts, but just my luck Veronica comes sauntering over to me. I roll my eyes and attempt to walk away from her, but she stops me by blocking my path and cornering me. 

"Okay Veronica let's get this over with. What is it today?" I ask annoyed. 

"I already told you what I want. What I need. It's you." And then before I can even comprehend what is happening, her lips are on mine and she is kissing me. I freeze and don't move, but when I snap out of my trance I push her off of me and angrily wipe my lips. She is batting her eyelashes at me, and I scoff at her, disgusted.

"I told you, I don't like you. Leave me alone. Don't ever talk to me again or even look at me." I push past her and hurry into science. I see Betty sitting in the same spot as yesterday, and I grin. I walk over to sit next to her, but she just turns her body away from me and doesn't even glance at me. My lips turn down into a frown and I look at her sadly. Just then the teacher walks in, and for the rest of class Betty ignores me. 

The day goes on like this. Betty avoids me at all costs and is giving me the silent treatment. I can't take it anymore so at lunch I look around the lunchroom but she is nowhere to be seen. I'm about to give up, when I remember, there is only one other place she would be. The Blue and Gold. I throw my food away and run out of the lunch room down to the writing room. I peek through the little window on the door when I arrive, and Betty is hunched over on the couch as he shoulders shake violently. Worried, I open the door, and the sound of it slamming shut announces my arrival. Her head shoots up and she glares at me as she wipes the tears falling down her porcelain face. 

"Betty, what's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you avoiding me?" Her back is still turned to me, and I see her shoulders tense up.

"I saw you. You and Veronica, this morning. I was walking into science and saw you guys kissing." I mentally facepalm myself and sigh before slowly approaching her. 

"No Betty it's not what you think I-" She cuts me off before I can explain what really happened.

"Really? Not what I think? You really had me fooled Jughead. I thought that you actually liked me, and I can't tell you how excited I was. The guy I had liked since freshman year finally liked me back. He chose me over every other girl, but I should've known. I should've known that I could never compete with girls like that. Girls with skinny bodies, and can flirt flawlessly. Girls with expensive clothing and perfect makeup. I guess I-" 

I cut her off this time by placing my lips on hers. She tenses at first, but sinks into it eventually. Her hands go up to my neck and play with the baby hairs at the nape of my neck. I grip her waist and pull her tighter against my body. We kiss for what feels like years, but it ends too soon for my liking. We both pull away for so we can breathe. I rest my head against hers and take a deep breath.

"Betty, nobody compares to you. They never could. You are smartest, kindest, loving, compassionate, determined, beautiful girl out there. I've liked you for so long and have turned down every girl that looked my way. When you saw Veronica and me today, I need you to know that I didn't kiss her back. In fact I pushed her away, and came to find you. It's always been you, Betts. Always will be." I finish with a smile on my face, and she reaches up to connect our lips in another soft kiss. We both pull away with goofy grins on my face. She giggles and I feel myself chuckle a little bit.

"So about that date." Betty laughs and I bring her into my arms. She fits in my arms as almost they were made for her to be in. I already know she's my person. I have always only had eyes for her. 

bughead one shots💕Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora